Few moments can compare to the profound and life-changing experience of bringing a child into the world. Capturing these priceless moments is a true art form; we’re all for it! The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) has announced the winners of the 13th Annual Professional Birth Photographers Image of the Year Competition, and these are not your typical birth photography awards! These winners really capture the essence of birth photography, paying tribute to one of the most profound moments in life.
Why it Takes a Special Someone to Win Birth Photography Awards
The IAPBP are passionate about capturing the essence of such a crucial time in a mother’s life, and these awards have once again showcased the incredible talent of birth photographers from all corners of the globe. Not only do they capture the raw and awe-inspiring moments of childbirth, they celebrate them globally for us all to share and enjoy.
Check out some of the previous winners – they never get old!
- The Best in Birth Photography: 23 Award-Winning Birth Pics of 2023
- The Stunning 2022 Birth Photos Winners Revealed
These birth photography awards are made in four distinct categories:
- Birth Details
- Labour
- Delivery
- Postpartum
- Hardship & Loss
Birth photography is more than just capturing an image. It’s about weaving a mesmerising narrative, beautifully capturing the moments of pure happiness, the awe-inspiring sense of wonder when a new life enters the world, and, of course, the heartwarming gatherings of loved ones.
The photographers in this field have a remarkable talent for capturing and preserving extraordinary birth stories, enabling families to hold onto these priceless moments forever.
This collection of photographs captures the profound beauty, deep affection, and remarkable voyage of welcoming new life into our community, honouring the mothers and expectant women who embody these emotions. Prepare yourself for a truly awe-inspiring journey as we come together to witness the breathtaking beauty and profound emotions captured in this year’s victorious moments.
Here are the 2024 Birth Photography Award Winners … are you ready?
Overall First Place & Overall Birth Details Winner
“Holding Hands” by Nora Dalmasso Fografia – Argentina.
It is a cesarean delivery, in which they tried to take him out in his own bag. At the moment it breaks, he takes out his little hand and takes the doctor’s finger. The truth was very exciting.

Overall Birth Details Winner
“Ponte Entres os Mundo” (Bridge Between the Worlds) by Luma Braz Fotografia – Brazil
Golden Hour! The first lap! Bond, food and affection during the twins’ first breastfeeding, as soon as they were born.

Overall Labour Winner
“Relax, Soften, Open” – Tampa Birth Photographer
It serves as a tribute to the incredible strength and grace exhibited by mothers during childbirth as they navigate the depths of their own being to bring new life into the world.Â

Overall Postpartum Winner
“A Whole Story in One Image” – Jessica Innemee, Vi Photography – Netherlands
After a beautiful c-section, the belly is being closed, mom is feeling fine and dad is getting to know his baby girl.

Overall Hardship and Loss Winner
“Generation Lost” – Kyra Wijnhausen, Earthside Doula Care – Netherlands
A grandmother holds her grandchild, born sleeping, while looking at her son. She feels the pain of missing her grandchild and also carries to pain of her child losing his baby.

Birth Details – Black and White Winner
“Focusing” – Ania Wibig, Obiektywnie NajpiÄ™kniejsze – Poland

Birth Details – Documentary Winner
“Feet First” – Jessica Innemee, Vi Photography –Â Netherlands
A beautiful calm breech birth. They expected her bum to come first, but whoop, there were two little feet!

Birth Details – Fine Art Winner
“Vernix and Breastmilk Rings“ – Tiarra Doherty, Mother Wolf Birth Photography –Â United States
This mom’s labor was only 15 minutes from first contraction until baby in her arms. I captured this as she was pulling up her beautiful 4th baby.

Delivery – Black and White Winner
“Into Their Hands” – Lauren Maggi, Lauren Maggi Photography & Doula – United States
A repeat c-section, done on mom’s terms. The drape dropped when her baby boy came into the world into the hands of the team she chose and trusted, she got to announce it was a boy, and she felt the empowerment of her birth, even though her baby boy was delivered into their hands, and not pulled into the world by her hands, she still felt the empowerment of her decisions and choices in a hard situation.

Delivery – Documentary Winner
“Reflections of Birth” – Settia Tin, Hello Baby Geboortefotografie – Netherlands
For this photo, you have to look twice to see what’s happening. The mother is giving birth on her hands and knees, and the baby’s head has just been born. Without the mirror, I couldn’t have captured this moment.

Delivery – Fine Art Winner
“Raw Embrace” – Isabelle Steinert, Isabell Steinert Fotografie – Germany
With a sigh of relief, she picked up her daughter – still covered in vernix – and held her close to her.

Labour – Black and White Winner
“In the Shadows” – Emily Santi, Emily Santi Birth Photographer – United States
Labor was starting to take a toll on this mother. She was deep in the shadows, well into her two-day labor with her fourth baby.

Labour – Documentary Winner
“Unyielding Resolve: Pushing Through” – Natalie Broders, Portland Birth Photographer Natalie Broders – United States

Labour – Fine Art Winner
“Heart Hold” – Laura Brink, Rewild Her – Australia
‘Heart Hold’ was captured during the peak of Patricia’s labour at home on the Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. This image shows the palpable trust and love shown by Patricia’s birth support during a challenging phase of labour. Just 35 minutes later, the heartbreaking decision to call an ambulance for professional medical support was made following significant signs of distress and mother’s intuition.
Patricia had planned to free birth her baby at her home, but adapted to change beautifully as her baby became significantly distressed during labour, requiring a Category 1 Emergency Caesarian with general anaesthetic, temporary neonatal CPR resulting in NICU admission, only 10 minutes after arrival to hospital.

Postpartum – Black and White Winner
“Hello My Little Sister” – Karoline Saadi, Karoline Saadi Fotografia – Brazil
Upon meeting their newborn sister, the two daughters continue breastfeeding TANDEM, an act of surrender, completeness and connection between mother and daughters!

Postpartum – Documentary Winner
“Nebula of Love” – Colleen Murtha, Colleen Murtha Photography – Australia
After having a surprise birth in the bathroom, Mom got into the birthing pool to relax and enjoy her first moment with her baby. Dad was infatuated with his baby boy and reached down to touch his hands. Their son then grabbed his finger and it was the perfect peaceful moment in the starry abyss of lights.

Postpartum – Fine Art Winner
“Finally Face to Face” – Lisa Weingardt – Little Loo Photo + Film – United States
A redemptive HBAC story full of moments she missed in her first operative delivery.

Member’s Choice Overall Winner & Hardship/Loss Winner
“The Weight of Loss” – Kyra Wijnhausen – Earthside Doula Care – United States
A father and a grandfather bearing the unbelievable weight of grief and loss.

Member’s Choice – Birth Details Winner
“Beyond the Veil” – Julie Francom – Julie Francom Birth Stories – United States
I love how this mom paused to admire and appreciate the beauty of the sac that protected her baby for nine months. The baby boy was born en caul, coming into the world with the sac over his head and right into his mother’s arms.

Member’s Choice – Delivery Winner
“By Morning Light” – Nicole Hamic – Nicole Hamic, Doula and Photographer – United States
This family welcomed their first baby at home and labored all through the night and their son was born just as the sun crested the mountains

Member’s Choice – Labour Winner
“Power Couple” – Larissa van de Geer – Larissa Shootsmemories – Netherlands

Member’s Choice – Postpartum Winner
“True Love” – Sophie Bailey – Wild Mama Photography – United Kingdom
Sam, this beautiful doggy, had spent the whole evening by his Mama’s side as she laboured. He even sat next to the birth pool, with the occasional cry and woof but mostly resting his head on the pool as he sensed the shift in the atmosphere. As this beautiful baby arrived, acceptance was instant. With sniffs and kisses.
As his Mama lay on the settee with his new big sister just after delivering the placenta, I turned around to find him looking with so much love at his newest family member. It was a split second moment but in that second the amount of love in those eyes was so palpable I almost cried on the spot!

So there you have it. Wonderful hey! Gosh, I love the pure, raw emotion of birth. Aren’t our bodies so mighty and powerful!?
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