
Let’s Talk About the Crap We’re Feeding Our Kids and What It Does for Their Behaviour


Don’t be scared – we’re not going to tell you off! We’re in exactly the same boat and that’s why we want to start the conversation.

It’s not easy to maintain a healthy, nutritious diet all the time. We get it. As mothers, it’s hard enough for us to do it ourselves let alone for our kids right? We’re busy and time poor and many of us are working to a budget that simply does not allow for fresh fruit and meats more than a few days a week.

We totally get it. Convenience foods are often less expensive and just so damn convenient. But you know what else they are? Full of hidden sugars. And here’s where the problems begin. We bet you don’t even realise how much sugar is hidden in the every day foods your family is consuming.

We know we were shocked to realise that 4g sugar equals 1 teaspoon! So in an average commercial flavoured yoghurt pouch [which we have been popping in our kids’ lunchboxes without battering an eye] there are up to 4 teaspoons in each one. Can you imagine giving your child 3 teaspoons of sugar for morning recess every day? Of course not. Yet, so many of us are doing it.

We all know the problems associated with too much sugar in our kids’ diets. We’ve had them hammered into us for years now! Tooth decay and obesity and diabetes all come to mind. But what about our children’s behaviour?

So many studies have now proven a link between children’s moods and the sugar consumption but do YOU know what to look for?

We’re willing to bet that we’ve all thought at least a few of these:

  • I’m worried my kids aren’t eating properly.
  • Why am I so tired? Did my kids inherit this from me? Does everyone feel like this?
  • My daughter’s skin looks a bit dull and pale and she doesn’t seem happy. Is this normal?
  • I am so busy and sometimes takeaway just feels like the only option. I just need easy and tasty meal ideas to help me out.
  • My kids have food intolerances or allergies (and sometimes asthma), which seems to be making them feel exhausted. Is there anything I can do?
  • I am concerned about my 11-year-old’s bad moods and lack of confidence. Is this depression?
  • I am sick of my kids being sick. Colds and flus and even glandular fever last year!
  • When the doctor said that my 9 year old could be mildly ADHD, I almost missed what he said from my own lack of concentration. Did he get it from me?
  • I want to feed my family better meals, but I don’t know how when I arrive home at 5:30pm or later most nights.

Signs of a child with a sugar overload include:

Tantrums • Angry outbursts • Poor concentration • Frequent colds and flus • Acne • Mood swings • Insomnia (poor sleep) • Excess weight • Eczema • Depression • Diarrhoea or constipation • Hyperactivity • Anxiety • Hormonal imbalances • Exhaustion • Skin rashes • Wind or bloating • Bad breath • Joint pain • Heart burn • Headaches • Allergies

We’ve seen all of these behaviours ourselves in our own children and this is why we were so excited to partner with well-respected Nutritionist, speaker and mother of three, Michele Chevalley-Hedge, to bring you our Low Sugar Kids Program.

You’re in great hands with Michele, she’s a nutritionist and an active member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. With years of clinical experience at her busy practice, A Healthy View under her belt, she’s also a health writer and speaker … and most importantly, she’s a mum!

Michele is a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador, the author of ‘Beating Sugar Addiction for Dummies’ and is a regular contributor to Women’s Fitness, The Sunday Telegraph, Body & Soul and Sunrise Channel 7 Weekend Breakfast show.

DON’T TURN AWAY! It’s not as scary as you may think and we have broken it down for you.

Lets start with small, baby steps.  Why small steps first? Because we don’t want your family to revolt.  Our focus is to help you create a sustainable, realistic change in your home.

So here’s some important points to keep in mind:

1. This is not no sugar, this is low sugar.

We know what it’s like to make changes in a family environment so this program is all about taking little, achievable steps toward improvement. We will help you reduce sugar, without your kids even realising it!

2. It’s great value for money

The 28 day program will cost you $79. That’s less than $3 a day to have a qualified nutritionist by your virtual side to help you every step along the way and guide you with daily information and answer any questions you might have. A standalone consult with a Nutritionist can cost between $100 – $200 and you get one by you side day in day out for $79 for a MONTH…we think that’s pretty damn fine content, support AND value for money.

All members have their own login and dashboard and will have access to download:

  1. Welcome Pack – takes you right through the whole program and introduces you to how, step by step, you’ll gently remove added sugars from your diets and replace them with healthier options (all designed so your kids won’t notice).
  2. What to Expect – how theprogram is structured and what to expect over the next 28 days
  3. Pantry Party – a step by step guide on preparing your kitchen for the program. Get the kids involved and make it fun!
  4. Substitution List – don’t have it? Don’t sweat. A comprehensive list of products to swap out in case you don’t like it or don’t have it.


3. It’s not just an online program

You will be invited to join a closed Facebook group which will give you direct access to Michele who will be available to answer any questions you may have. PLUS, you’ll become part of a community all embarking on the same low-sugar journey at the same time.


PLUS, At the end of the program, you’ll be invited to STAY in our support Facebook group with Michele’s support not far away so that you can confidently continue the low sugar way of life with your family. PLUS, you’ll also have access to all upcoming recipes, articles and education opportunities.


4.  The recipes are realistic

Look, we all know that cooking up a gourmet feast on a Tuesday night involving ingredients sourced from the local organic markets in Peru when you’ve just got home from picking the kids up from after-school sport, just ain’t going to happen. Michelle has developed simple recipes using easily sourced ingredients and step by step guides to make it as achievable as possible to make it work.  Recipe plans are sent once each week allowing you time to pick what works for your kids and your busy lifestyle so you can adapt it to work WITH you.

No calculations, no counting, no points, just clean, real, whole food. Her meal plans are simple and easy with dinner leftovers quickly and easily becoming delicious lunches the next day, saving you time and money. Cook once, eat twice is her motto, and we have to say that suits us just perfectly!

Here’s some actual extracts from Week One meal plan to give you an idea – plenty of alternatives and loads of snack ideas for the kids. All quick and easy to make!

Low-Sugar-Kids-Week-1-Examples5. The recipes are clearly labelled for all dietary requirements

This may be a low-sugar program but it doesn’t omit other possible dietary issues like gluten, nuts, dairy etc. You are in control of the recipes you choose so you can tailor the program to be suitable for your family.

So what are you waiting for? Join us and get started on the 28 day Low Sugar Kids Program today.

The next round starts Monday 8th February.
Don’t miss out! Join Now.


Join me. Mum. Nutritionist. Family Wellness Seeker.

This program has been developed by Michele Chevalley Hedge, Qualified Nutritionist (Adv. Dip of Nutritional Medicine, Australia Traditional Medicine Society)


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1 Comment

  1. Avatar of Michele Chevalley Hedge
    Michele Chevalley Hedge Reply

    Hi all! Its me… Michele… mum and nutritionist and here to help! I am very excited
    to be Mums Central go to nutritionist/ambassador for wellbeing! Feel free to ask me anything!

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