Car Safety

10 Driving Offences You May Not Know About that Can Cost You Thousands


Recently I was stung for a $645 traffic offence for not stopping on a red light. Unlike some of my previous driving offences and fines, this one came out of nowhere.

Here’s how it went down: I was driving my daughter to soccer training at ridiculous-o-clock in the morning and I know for a fact that I DID stop at the red light and waited AGES for it to turn green. I remember it well because my daughter was yelling at me for dropping her off late (again).

Anyhow, on careful review of the offence and image, I indeed DID stop at the red light but I stopped on the white line which is apparently, also classified as running a red light and thus is a driving offence that comes with a hefty fine.

This is did not know… in fact, I thought you kind of had to stop across the site line to trigger the lights to actually turn green for you. Guess not. Anyhow, this whole debacle and ticket which I begrudgingly paid (and at Christmas time too), got me thinking about other traffic offences that many of us may not be aware of. 

So, in an attempt to keep our roads safer and our bank accounts fuller, take a quick look at these obscure traffic offences you probably didn’t know about. Some can cost you a pretty penny too!

The driving offences in Australia you most likely know well

  • Speeding
  • Using a phone while driving (across all states), even when the car is stationary or if you have the phone on your lap (not using it)
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Running a red light
  • Driving without a license
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

These fines can cost you as much as $1,600 depending on the state and station.

driving offences

10 Less Common Traffic Offences in Australia

Driving Too Slowly

Speeding is a biggie but did you know in New South Wales you can also get stung for driving too slowly (aka obstructing traffic)? The fine is $351 and 2 demerit points.

Flashing High Beams to ‘Warn’ Other Drivers

Flashing your high beams is generally not allowed unless it’s to directly warn others of an immediate hazard. Of course, across Australia, we use our high beams to warn other drivers of a speed check, RBT or other police zone coming up. Guys, we’re not allowed to do this. It’s against the law in every state with fines up to $300. You are also not allowed to flash your high beams at other drivers to indicate you are behind them, want to pass them or want them to drive quicker.

Not Indicating when Changing Lanes

Queensland traffic laws are tough and if you’re caught changing lanes and not indicating, then you could be looking at a $413 fine and three demerit points.

Driving with One Hand on the Wheel

Both hands. Ten and Two. And if not? In South Australia you could be fined $322 and 3 demerit points for driving with one hand on the wheel for an extended period.

Not Giving Way to Pedestrians at Crosswalks

Pedestrians come first. If there’s a zebra crossing and you drive through it without stopping for the pedestrian, you could be looking at a $200 to $300 fine and 3 demerit points.

Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles with Flashing Lights

This happens soooo often and I know a lot of times it’s simply because drivers get stressed and confused when there is an ambo behind them trying to get through. But if you don’t move your vehicle over or get out of the way, then you will be fined $400 and lose 3 points.

Parking on a Nature Strip

You can’t park your car on a nature strip, or the grassy area adjacent to the road, even if there’s no sign stating this isn’t allowed. Nature strips are off-limits (in Victoria) and you could be issued a $165 fine for doing so.

Driving with an Unsecured Load (or Unsecured Pets)

You must tie down ALL loads in your ute or truck, including when heading to the dump or removing green waste. Even if an object is securely placed in the back of your car, if it’s not properly secured and could cause damage or obstruct traffic, you could be fined up to $400.

This goes for your pets too – Pets need to be secured in a crate or with a pet seatbelt harness.

Not Removing Snow or Ice from Your Windshield

This only applies to the snowy states but if you don’t remove the snow or ice before jumping in your car, then you could be looking at a $150 to $300 fine.

Stopping on a Bridge

Kid just puked in the car? Tough luck if you happen to be on a bridge or in a tunnel. You cannot stop on either in Victoria, Queensland or New South Wales and if you are caught doing so, big fines ($150 – $400 and 2 demerit points). The only time you can stop on a bridge or in a tunnel is if it’s an emergency and sadly, vomiting children don’t usually count.

Of course, there are other traffic offences that you may not be aware of. One mum recently received a fine for pumping in the passenger seat of the car. However, the mother had adjusted her seatbelt in the process which is why she received the fine – not because of the action of pumping. Despite disputing it, she was still required to pay it.

What’s the most obscure traffic fine you’ve received?

What to read next


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. Don not have any part of your body – e.g. hand, arm, elbow outside your vehicle- some have a bad habit whey they have the windows open. Not only is it an offence it is very dangerous. I actually know a guy – a passenger in a vehicle who almost lost his arm when a vehicle passed too close to him on an outback road.

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