Pets are fantastic for kids. The give companionship, teach responsibility, and give plenty of fun.…
If you love animals but are not into fostering cats or dogs, then this story may change your mind! Now, who will open a Kitten BnB in Australia?
This dilemma left a dog owner in a slobbery situation after his dog chewed a child’s toy and he refused to pay for it. Who is in the wrong here?
Pet loss is never easy. When the time comes to say goodbye to your furry friend, these tips and products can help you through the process.
Returning to Brisbane for the first time in six years, the Dog Lovers Festival is bound to set tails wagging!
Losing a pet is never easy but these 11 lovely pet memorial ideas pay homage to your beloved family member and will keep their memory alive.
We’re pawsitively stoked to announce our Ultimate Pet Giveaway, where we count down 12 of the best pet products of 2024!
Treat your pet to some homemade deliciousness with these easy homemade pet treats, recipes for dogs, cats, horses and even rabbits.
Who needs a money tree when you’ve got a dog that poops $50 notes?
Before you dish up a plate for Christmas leftovers to your pet, check the list of toxic foods for dogs and what Christmas foods are safe for dogs.
Yes I love my son, but sometimes, I love my dog more. And here are 15 perfectly relatable reasons why.
Take trick or treating to a new level and bring your pet! These DIY Halloween costumes for pets are easy, cute and perfect for any cheeky pup.