
10 Recipes for Sensory and Motor Play 2


Experience throughout the early years lays the foundation for both neurological and physical wellbeing.  An excellent early environment delivers readiness for life. 

Never again is there a period that is so influential on the make-up of the human being.  The Parenting 5 books by Ruth Barker assist parents and carers in creating the desired environment of preschoolers at home.

Following on from our articles on “The Importance of Sensory Motor Activity” and “Homemade Sensory Motor Activities“, here are 10 great recipes for sensory and motor play from Ruth’s book:


6.  Instant Slime

Add 1 cup of Lux Flakes to 2 litres of warm water.


7.  Homemade Paste

  • 1 tablespoon plain flour
  • 2 tablespoon corn flour
  • 5 tablespoon of warm water

Mix the dry ingredients together in a saucepan, slowly add the water and continue to stir until the mixture becomes thick in consistency.


8.  Bubbles

  • ½ cup water
  • ½ cup glycerine
  • 1 tablespoon liquid detergent

Place the water into a container and add the other ingredients, stirring the mixture with a hand or rotary whisk. Pour onto an extra large sponge or use with a blowing implement.


9.  Colouring Beans, Rice, Pasta or Sand

coloured rice     coloured pasta

  • A zip lock bag for each colour
  • Isopropyl alcohol (or rubbing alcohol – available from a chemist)
  • Food colours

Place the dry ingredients into as many bags as there are to be colours. Squirt in a tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol into each bag. Drop in the required colours.  Zip lock very carefully and proceed to rub the ingredient around. Open the bag to air-dry the ingredient.


10.  Ice Cube or Gelatin Moulds

Place either coloured water or gelatine in water into ice cube trays, moulds or in containers. Add some trinkets into the base – such as animal figures or shells.  Freeze or cool.




This is an extract from the new book The Parenting 5 – Sensory Motor Play for Little People written by Ruth Barker of Toddler Education Services. This book is the second of The Parenting 5 series and follows the successful The Parenting 5 – Practical and Independent Little People that was released in October 2013.

For more information on Ruth Barker or to purchase a copy of either book for yourself visit: Both books are available in paperback or e book.

For more information and beautiful imagery consult The Parenting 5 series.



Ruth Barker is a passionate advocate for early childhood development. After studying Child and Family Studies at University, Ruth went on to complete a Diploma of Montessori (Pre-school). She is a Director/Consultant/Author/Columnist and an Educator at her business Toddler Education Services Pty Ltd / Montessori 1:1

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