50-Year-Old Woman Gives Birth to Her First Child


For some couples, falling pregnant is pretty easy. For other couples, the journey to parenthood takes a little longer and is a LOT more complicated.

After years of heartache and infertility, a Venezuelan woman has finally, at the age of 50, fulfilled her dream of becoming a mum.

Soft, squishy and snuggled close to his mum, baby Alejandro is the picture of newborn perfection. Born at CENFER (Centro de Fertilidad Clínica Lugo) in Venezuela, Alejandro is just one of the many babies born via IVF with the help of a team of fertility doctors.

CENFER shared the beautiful photos and video of bub’s entry into the world on their Instagram page and the couple were flooded with comments of congratulations.

The staff at CENFER deliver miracle (and much-longed for) babies like Alejandro all the time. They specialise in helping infertile couples become parents. But what makes Alejandro’s story so special is that his proud parents are several years older than the typical first time mum and dad.

Overcoming infertility at 50

Alejandro’s mum is 50 years old, which is 20 years older than the ‘average’ age of an Australian first time mum. It is also just eight years younger than the ‘average’ age of an Australian first time grandparent.

“Today it’s a great day, at the age of 50 overcoming infertility,” the centre wrote proudly, on Instagram.

Of course, this over-the-moon mummy isn’t the first woman to welcome a child later in life. The oldest woman to give birth was 66 and, just last year, a Tasmanian mum made headlines when she welcomed a son at the age of 63.

Janet Jackson announced her first pregnancy at 50.  Close to home, TV presenter Sonia Kruger was 49 when she gave birth to her first child, Maggie.

My smiley girl. #happy #baby #maggie

A post shared by soniakruger (@soniakruger) on

How old is too old to give birth?

Although there is no such thing as the “perfect” age to become a mum, there are always risks involved with giving birth later in life. Is it safe for you? Is it safe for bub?

According to Australian doctors, the answer is no. When the Tasmanian woman delivered her baby, Monash University professor and IVF specialist Gab Kovacs said it was irresponsible to treat women over the age of 53.

“That child will need looking after for 20 years, and there’s a possibility she won’t be able to do that,” he told reporters at the time.

“Our bodies weren’t ­designed to have children in our 60s. I don’t think any ­responsible IVF unit in Australia would treat someone of that age, and it’s not a standard of medicine I would condone”.

For another not-so-typical birth story, don’t miss our article about the transgender dad who just gave birth to a baby boy.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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