Thank you for partnering with the Mum Central Network. Please be aware of the following terms and conditions which apply to a Solus EDM booked within the Mum Central Network.
- Please advise us of your preferred date as soon as possible.
- We send our Solus EDMS out around 7am as we have found this time that generates a strong response. If you would like an alternate time please let us know and this can be negotiated.
- Creative is due one week before the live date. Penalties apply for late delivery, and may result in a change of date or additional fees. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions for further information.
- You are welcome to submit a complete HTML file (please send us one zip file including images and HTML in one file)
Solus EDM Creative Requirements
You are welcome to provide these or we can create them for you, knowing how our audience is likely to react.
- Subject Version A: 60 letters maximum, sentence case. (We run an A/B split test of the subject lines with a smaller portion of our database, and whichever subject performs the best will then be sent out to the rest of our subscribers several hours later).  Please limit subject lines to just one ‘salesy’ word such as: ‘Discount’, ‘Sales’, ‘Bonus’, ‘Free’, ‘Special’ etc., and no all caps. We will add the Subject Version B given we know what’s likely to make our readers respond.
- Preheader: 100 characters long. (Note: no URL to appear in header).
- Image: Dimensions – 600 pixels wide minimum. Format – static JPG; File size – max 100kb each. May include Image, text and logos.
- URL: Click through URL (website link including the http:// part)