
Back to School Lunch Box Tips


We all know how tricky it can be to ensure we keep our kids lunchboxes fresh and exciting. Right?  Well here’s 5 top ways to ensure our kids are eating right (and eating it all!)

  1. Include a couple of serves of fruit in the lunchbox to ensure kids are meeting their ‘2 a day’ quota. Include a wide variety of fruits in easy-to-eat forms – peel and slice oranges, for instance, or include berries and grapes in individual tubs. Always choose whole fruits over juice, as this will avoid loading your child up on energy, and provide the benefits of additional fibre. Up the vegies with vegetable sticks of carrot, celery, cucumber and capsicum, along with wholegrain crackers and dips like tzatziki, hummus or smashed avocado with lemon juice.
  2. Yoghurt is a convenient snack to include in a lunchbox, and is a great way to boost calcium intake – an essential mineral for growing kids’ bones. Choose a probiotic yoghurt to help keep the digestive system working well. On hot days try freezing to make ‘frozen yoghurt,’ which has the added benefit of keeping other foods cold as well.
  3. Leftovers make a great change from the usual sandwiches, and are an opportunity to sneak in some extra vegetables. Try a zucchini slice or frittata with lots of vegetables, or noodle salad mixed through with poached chicken or salmon with a yummy dressing.
  4. Include a serve of protein for lunch, to build and repair kids’ active muscles and keep them full throughout the day. Convenient options like skinless poached chicken or turkey breast are great for sandwiches, as well as canned tuna, home made baked beans, avocado, nut butters, boiled egg/omelette or sliced cheese or hummus (chickpea dip).
  5. Wholegrain carbohydrate rich foods are important for maintaining energy throughout the day. Choosing low GI (Glycaemic Index) options like wholegrain breads and wraps, wholegrain pasta, basmati rice, couscous and quinoa will ensure stable blood sugar levels, and sustained concentration in class.

Thanks to our friends at Aussie Farmers Direct for such great ideas.

Don’t forget we’re running a special offer this month only – a half price fruit box for every new customer! Check out the 50% off offer here!

Aussie Farmers Offer



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