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Book Your Kids into Free Muffin Break Cookie Workshops & Win a Kids Baking Set!


If your kids love cookies and you’re looking for something fun (and FREE) these school holidays, the Muffin Break Cookie Workshops could just be the answer!

On Tuesday 19th January 2016 Muffin Breaks around the country will see a kids’ cookie takeover at stores nationwide*, and you’re all invited!

For the first time across Australia Muffin Break will be hosting a fully supervised Kids Cookie Creation Workshop from 10am until 12pm.

Children will receive a cookie baked fresh in store to decorate or a ball of cookie dough to roll out and decorate before being baked by the expert bakers at Muffin Break. Each child can create their very own custom design with access to a selection of decorations including icing, hundreds and thousands, choc chips and smarties, before taking it home to enjoy!

Mums, dads, grandparents, uncles, aunties and other carers can sit back and watch the kids get creative in the kitchen, without the mess. The Kids Cookie Creation Workshop will be great training for little helping hands in the kitchen and a chance to discover their inner baker.

Children must be registered prior to the Kids’ Cookie Creation Workshops and spaces are limited so please register your interest in store as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. BOOK HERE!

For full information and booking details visit to search for your local muffin break store Kids’ Cookie Creation Workshop location.



Thanks to Muffin Break we’ve got 10 kids baking kits up for grabs for our readers!

To enter, simply complete the entry form below and you’re in the running.

Remember that the more friends you refer who enter the more chances to win so be sure to share across social media to increase your chances.


Win 1 of 10 Muffin Break Kids Baking Kits


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. My 6 kids love to cook cakes & cupcakes and decorating then together.

  2. We love making piza together. That way, the kids get to choose their own toppings, which means that they will eat all their dinner!

  3. Lenna Reinhard Reply

    We love to learn to cook anything cakes cupcakes pizzas and starting to learn to cook dinners with mummy too

  4. DD3 loves to help make anything sweet. By help I mean lick the bowl and spatula clean 🙂

  5. Linda Luczak Reply

    I love cooking cupcakes, biscuits and muffins with my kids. They enjoy icing and decorating just as much as devouring the end result.

  6. I love the look of excitement on his face the moment i grab the mixing bowl and sit it in front of him, and then the none stop “done? , done? , done?” until everything is cooked. He looks so proud when we eat what we have made together.

  7. Brianna Taylor Reply

    We love making pancakes on a sunday morning with Daddy, and muffins – a different flavour each week 🙂

  8. Michelle Green Reply

    Peanut Butter Cookies are our favourite thing to bake with the kids.

  9. Dawn Taylor Reply

    Five ingredient easy mix cake. I’m sure between my children and my day care children, we must have made this cake, or loaf, hundreds of times. It’s such an easy cake to make, the children could decide how they wanted the cup of fruit, chocolate, marshmallows, or nuts to be made up. They got to measure, count and stir, and my little day cares got to take their cooking home. Great fun, and if you had four child cooks all stirring and measuring together a lot of easy to clean up mess.

  10. Master four is very popular at play group he loves making his choc honeycomb slice everyone always comes back for more

  11. Julie Hodsman Reply

    Chocolate cake, muffins or cookies – anything that is good for spoon licking afterwards

  12. I love baking biscuits in different shapes ans sizes and my munchkin does all the decorating on his own, it’s so much fun:)


  14. My daughter loves making ‘cupcakes’ with me. Actually banana muffins, but she won’t call them muffins!! She would love this!

  15. Linda Wallace Reply

    Little cup cake makers in our home, love the fun toppings they put on them.

  16. Jennalee Izzard Reply

    We love making Cup Cakes and Cookies!!
    Licking the spoon and Decorating has never been more fun or messy!! We LOVE BAKING

  17. Sarah Phillips Reply

    We love baking cupcakes together and decorating them is the best part – besides eating them!

  18. We love decorating the cupcakes while eating the icing to check that everything is up to the mark 🙂

  19. Andrew Sommers Reply

    who doesn’t love making cupcakes and then decorating them if you can resist eating them while they are cooling down 😛

  20. julia sheedy Reply

    My son, niece and Nephews all love cooking up a storm at my place or their Nan Nan’s when they come to visit…soon I am going to start teaching my Granddaughter how to make yummy treats.

  21. We love to bake muffins and cookies and then we eat them as soon they come out of the oven.

  22. We love baking slices, biscuits, muffins and cup cakes – every week we bake for tasty homemade treats for lunch boxes – if they last that long

  23. Kalina Batchelor Reply

    That they will be able to cook for them selves when they are older.

  24. Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    I love to see the enjoyment on my daughters face. She loves to bake but her favourite part is licking the bowl…of course!

  25. blackwidow63 Reply

    They love to make their own pizzas ,i cut up a range of ingredients and then they can choose what they want on their pizzas

  26. Nicole Woods Reply

    So many things … from muffins and cookies to bacon chops and “do it yourself” pizzas. Can’t forget cakes either, though I suspect that’s more to do with licking the bowl and spoon!

  27. Panda Jess Reply

    With my family I love cooking White Chocolate Rocky Road because its so sweet and creative.

  28. We love making pancakes and rocky road with choc honeycomb, our favorites.

  29. we love cooking just about anything…my 6yr old loves cooking cupcakes, because she likes decorating them. she has been telling her little friends that she’s allowed to bake and so when they come for visits they ask to bake. kind of fun…if you don’t mind cleaning up after them all after they’ve done.

  30. Stefanie Seiler Reply

    I love baking chocolate chip cookies with my children because they love moulding the dough pretending it’s playdoh

  31. We love making Fruit Salad together and singing the Wiggles Song while we chop up some bananas!! Fruit Salad Yummmy Yummy!

  32. Paula Harris Reply

    My daughter and I love making roast pork…she is the master at cauliflower cheese and I wear the crown for crackling. Nomnomnom

  33. Lara Haynes Stewart Reply

    kids love helping me makes cakes, cookies even sometime like helping out with dinner too

  34. Eva Kiraly Reply

    Fairy Cakes with wings, they’re special cakes that give us power at least anyone that eats them.

  35. Jelly – My son LOVES making jelly! He chooses the colour, pours the crystals in, does the stirring… pretty much everything except the hot water. I love that he’s learning some basic skills (pouring & mixing) & having fun. Of course, the part he likes the best is the EATING!

  36. Its a great way to teach them were food comes from, not just out of a box haha.

  37. Jenny Woods Reply

    My grand children love making their own pizzas with all their favourite toppings.

  38. Nicole Armstrong Reply

    Simple, basic things. My kids are only 1 and 4 so stirring and licking the spoon are still the most exciting parts for them.

  39. Leisa Sandles Reply

    My 5 year old twin girls love baking anything and everything, cookies, muffins, cakes, scones, fruit cakes, slices, the list goes on!

  40. Isabelle Hershman Reply

    I love making gingerbread men- and my son loves grabbing cookie dough when i’m not looking.

  41. Adele Coone Reply

    Its great to be able to teach my little man that still make tasty and healthy food/treats at home.

  42. Connie Christensen Reply

    jelly, because letting my little one know how the oven works would be a disaster!

  43. My girls love to bake! Anything and everything but it’s a battle to make sure the batter isn’t eaten before I get to put it in the oven!

  44. Lucia Saal Reply

    We love making cookies, especially sugar cookies that we decorate!

  45. Nicole Gurney Reply

    We love making banana cake and decorating it with icing and sprinkles and lollies

  46. my kids love cooking with mum….my origin is Italian so our love of food and cooking is huge!

  47. Leesa Massey Reply

    This would be perfect to get my kids interested in baking!!

  48. I love cooking biscuits with the cookie cutters. The kids love making different shapes and then decorating them with hundreds and thousands.

  49. Richard Harrison Reply

    We’re big on cupcakes in this house. So many ways to decorate!

  50. I love cooking with my granddaughters, I have 3 that live close by, Briella 6, Chloe, 4, and Skyla 2. We use Aussie recipes and Dutch ingredients at times, it is so much fun, and they also cook wih their mum quite a bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chloe becomes a chef. xx Dee

  51. My kids love helping me in the kitchen when I bake something they bring their stool to help me they love baking specially liking the bowl after making cake

  52. Heather Hopley Reply

    Three stirs and a wish….. it’s how I developed a love of cooking with my mum. Sitting up on the bench, 3 stirs of the mix and a wish. So I still love to bake cakes, slices and biscuits with my children and the tradition continues.

  53. Alanna Jane Reply

    i try and let them have a go at most things, lately piklets have been a family favourite

  54. I love cooking sweet treats and one bowl wonders with my kids! My son is 1.5 YO and he loves stirring and watching Mummy add in ingredients – a portion always ends up on the ground or in his mouth but is an enjoyable experience for both of us !

  55. Fiona Makin Reply

    Dinner, makes my life easier and they share in the decision making of the evening meal.

  56. antoniaodwyer Reply

    My grandkids love helping with the peeling and washing of veg, they eat more variety if they help.

  57. Keri Smith Reply

    My son and I just enjoyed making rumballs together for this festive season.

  58. Joanne Lloyd Reply

    Our two year old loves to help make gingerbread and cut out the gingerbread men and any of our other assorted cookie cutters!

  59. Valerie Wee Reply

    My little girl loves helping me to make pancake and jelly as those are her favourite food and dessert.

  60. I love cooking anything with my son, as long as he’s learning how to create his own food. I want him to know how to feed himself, rather than relying on prepared, processed foods.

  61. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    I have 4 year old twin Great Granddaughters they love cooking biscuits and cakes with their Mum. They would love this prize.

  62. We love going to the vegetable patch, where some vegetables have even been planted by the children, collecting the ‘goodies’, including fresh herbs and preparing the main meal together most weekends. Fresh vegetables are also “whizzed” into healthy drinks. Vegetable muffins would be great too!

  63. Leanne White Reply

    Together we love cooking absolutely everything and anything although miss 10 loves it when we make playdough!

  64. My 3 year old loves to make cupcakes and muffins- he is fascinated by the whole process and I love to see the wonder in his eyes!

  65. My 4 kids love to help cook, but best of all they love to lick the bowls out.

  66. Tracey Ibbott Reply

    Cooking cup cakes. When it’s their turn, they get to add chocolate.

  67. Cinnamon muffins and chocolate fudge brownies (but they’re so sweet we only make them for their birthday parties).

  68. Linette Grzelak Reply

    Me and son love making smartie cookies. He loves to pmake coloured patterns

  69. Julia Burford Reply

    I love cooking a cake with my kids 🙂 easier to pour into the tin than muffins!

  70. Felicity Turner Reply

    My granddaughter and I love baking m and m cookies . they are our favourite.

  71. Andieharrie Reply

    We love baking cupcakes, muffins and cookies too
    Baking is love it’s what we love to do
    Eating is even better fun
    Our baking is for everyone

  72. jeaniousau Reply

    Just finished another batch of shortbread with my grand daughter. Fantastic bonding time for us both.

  73. We love baking cakes, cupcakes, cookies & muffins.
    We also enjoy cooking mini pizzas & sausagerolls.

  74. Love baking with my 2 girls – fairy cakes & cupcakes. They love icing the cakes then finishing off the left overs in the bowl

  75. Kristy Lee Coles Reply

    I love to make cupcakes with my children, then they chosse what decorations to use

  76. Used to have a jumbo cookie a day from muffin break as a kid – could only dream of doing so now . . . No more of an every now and then treat

  77. Dianne Childs Reply

    My son and I love baking chocolate cupcakes, choc chip cookies and Nutella muffins!

  78. domandlauren Reply

    My 2 and a half year old loves cooking! He got a kitchen for christmas and we made the mistake of taking the sheet off it first, then he wouldnt open any other presents he just wanted to play!! He helps us make his dinner everynight but his favourite think to make (and eat) is cake!! Any kind!

  79. Christie Louise Reply

    My son used to bake all the time with my mother. Since she passed, and i am regularly busy, we haven’t spent time baking (one of his favourite things to do).
    This would be a great motivator to get him back into the kitchen 🙂

  80. Christopher King Reply

    I love preparing healthy kebab wraps – grilled seasoned lean
    lamb fillet, capsicum traffic light (red, green, yellow), red onion, lettuce,
    tomato, parsley and garlic sauce.

  81. My son loves making frittata. I usually need a couple of spare eggs to replace the ones that miss the bowl, and grating the cheese takes forever, but he enjoys it.

  82. Anzac biscuits as they are easy to make and even a dad can help make them plus they taste great

  83. Nadine Cameron Reply

    Muffins, especially choc chip ones where more chocolate goes into their mouths than the batter!

  84. Tegan Vlahos Reply

    My almost 2 year old loves to “mix-mix” watching his face as the cake batter changes is always so cute

  85. It lets us learn and try all the treasured family recipes together

  86. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    I love making cookies with the kids, rolling out the dough and using cookie cutters is so much fun, even if they go wrong we have fun.

  87. Lauren Barnes Reply

    Simply some pancakes and make them gourmet. With stewed fruit, dolloped with her burnt fig, honeycomb ice-cream, my taste buds enjoy Sunday morning sensation.

  88. Angela Aschberger Reply

    Making and icing Christmas cookies with my kids is the best. We have heaps of small shapes and they are so fun to personalise.

  89. Trish Leonard Reply

    My kids love cooking with me. Cakes or muffins are their favourite.

  90. Xzavia Green Reply

    Making any food with my kids is making happy mememories, just like the ones i have making chocolate cae with my beautiful Gran.
    Yes, that’s it. Making my Grans chocolate cake with my own kids is my favourite:-)

  91. Karina Lee Reply

    We love baking. My kids are the only reason I actually took up baking in the first place, and they just love to mix the batter and lick the bowl afterwards!

  92. This is a wonderful prize as children love to bake and eat what they bake.

  93. Lara Hainsworth Reply

    All things sweet and yummy that require the beaters licked back to a shiny clean state.

  94. the fun of creating shapes and ‘personalities’ with cookie dough before watching it bake … the aroma .. and then sharing with friends.

  95. Cakes! Lots and lots of cake!!! Cupcakes, fairy cakes, birthday cakes, ‘just-because’ cakes, cream-filled cakes, big cakes, little cakes. All cakes!

  96. RLRowberry Reply

    We love making Jam Drops together we have our thumb print mark on those. He is very skilled at breaking eggs and whipping and even knows how to separate yolk from whites. We have made cupcakes and we even made an edible garden together. Yule logs and meringue mushrooms with chocolate paths and chocolate patty pan pots. He loves baking at 8 years old he deserves a baking treat.

  97. Devon Windelborn Reply

    My 2 year old son and I love to bake cookies, I put all the ingredients together and he decorates plus he licks the bowl at the end!

  98. My daughter loves when the bananas go soft because that means she gets to make banana pancakes. Simple, I know, but she really loves it.

  99. I love cooking pretty much anything with my kids, but treats are always a favourite! It’s fun getting creative and making cupcakes and biscuits, with each of my 3 kids being able to decorate them uniquely. Creativity in delicious form!

  100. Dale Pearce Reply

    We do a lot of cooking each week as I am a home tutor and this is part of the kids curriculum. Our favourite is cupcakes with icing and sprinkles 🙂

  101. How awesome! I love experimenting especially in the kitchen when it comes to baking & cooking.x

  102. Leonie Walker-Rackebrandt Reply

    We love to bake cupcakes the kids love stirring the bowl as they call it

  103. I love making crunchy biscuits with my enthusiastic kitchen helper – 3 and a half year old Georgia.

  104. Claire H Simmons Reply

    cooking equals mess, flour fights, cookie dough hands and full tummies

  105. Kelly Sherwood Brown Reply

    My kids and I love cooking chocolate chip cookies! 🙂

  106. Christina Lungo Reply

    We’re dessert cravers, eaters, appreciaters and bakers! Love cooking cakes and slices.

  107. Rebecca Tompsett Reply

    Make no mistake
    when it comes to what we bake
    My girls take the cake
    Love homemade with nothing fake

  108. Judith Senese Reply

    My sons love to cook pancakes, however my 8 year old loves to help me when I make lasagne from scratch, which even includes the lasagne sheets.

  109. Donna Dwyer Reply

    So much pride in their faces when they have helped make and then decorated a cookie, cake or cupcake. After lots of experimentation we’ve realised that ones that are fully covered in MM’s or smarties are the best ones, so my youngest son’s job to cover all baking with smarties LOL!! He is so proud of his job LOL!!

  110. Louise Patterson Reply

    We love cooking bread together. There are so many great shapes that we can make. Not to mention the lovely floury mess.

  111. Sam Allen-Stephens Reply

    I love to cook anything and everything with my 2 year old son. He is so intrigued by all of the different foods and cooking methods!

  112. I love the adventure and the magic. A mushroom is daring. Stirring a bowl wakens fairies.

  113. Every meal they love to help in some way or another and I love that they have a keen interest.

  114. Charl Lowther Reply

    Love making cupcakes as they are quick, easy and fun and the kids can make their own exactly how they like!

  115. lovelyloves Reply

    We love bonding together. It’s always our special time together and it’s always fun.

  116. Tony Meyer Reply

    I’m always doing the cooking in our house so I enjoy letting my daughter go for gold. I’ve taught her basic cake and cookie mixes, so she just adds all her little extras. my next stage is to teach her how to make choux pastry.

  117. I love cooking chocolate crackles and berry muffins with my kids, they have fun and love eating the delicious treats

  118. Julie Ford Reply

    i love cooking with my kids best is watching them ice the cake and cookies so creative and colourfull

  119. My grandmothers apple pie and cupcakes . The kids love decorating cupcakes .

  120. Apple Lemon Lime Reply

    My Nephew and Niece like to make chcolate truffles, milk chocolate on the inside and white choclate on the outside…. but more choclate on their faces. Haha

  121. Melinda Bolitho Reply

    My daughter and I love making pizza together. The upside is that it’s a dinner that she will eat no fail and she can put on her side what she loves to eat!

  122. Nichole Mckee Reply

    We Love to make swirly twirly rainbow cupcakes, with glitter icing 😀

  123. Shannon Discombe Reply

    We made a mint choc chip mud cake with a mint slice ice cream for an after dinner mint refreshing dessert on Chrissy day was super yummy

  124. Beenish Mumtaz Reply

    i love making alphabet and number cookies with my 3 years old to learn with fun.

  125. Natalie Stoute Reply

    I have three little cookie monsters. We love baking all types of cookies and eating them warm from the oven 🙂

  126. Roshini Veera Reply

    my kids 5 years, 2 years & 10 months love cupcakes! they love helping me with new creations 🙂

  127. Gillian Harridge Reply

    Love cooking with my kids as they will remember it when their older as I do with my mother.

  128. Anything that they will eat, I find if they help to make dinner the chances that they will eat it are so much more than if I made it on my own. I guess they can see exactly what it is so there are no hidden surprises.

  129. Laura Scriven Reply

    Making a mess in the process,
    They enjoy decorating best!
    Plus the after taste,
    Even licking the bowl – there’s no waste!

  130. Shannon Discombe Reply

    We love to cook everything but merengue is great fun to make with the kids u can add colour and watch how the mixture transforms into a fluffy goodness haha

  131. Natasha Johnson Reply

    We love making cupcakes…well really we love licking the bowl and decorating with butter icing and all kinds of sprinkles.

  132. My boys love baking Cupcakes. Most of the mixture makes it into the oven 🙂

  133. I love to cook with my daughter as I did it with my mum and my grandmar and that’s where I got my passion for cooking from and it made great memories which I want for my child. She loves to mix and taste the food no matter what it is.

  134. Sarah Sabatino Reply

    My kids love making their own pizzas – being picky eaters they can put on as much or as little of what they like! Makes my life easy too – not having to remember who eats what and who doesn’t! Everyone wins!

  135. My son loves cooking. We cook muffins. cookies, cakes, pizzas, homemade pasta, the list is endless.

  136. Kate Jackson Reply

    My 3 year old son loves making anything that he can lick the bowl after especially cakes, he is always sneaking a taste when you turn your back. He also loves helping getting ingredients from the cupboard and fridge and standing on his little step so he can see the bench and help mix ingredients to make a creation!

  137. Maria Dmello Reply

    I love making cupcakes with my beautiful Isabella . It gets messy but it makes it exciting and fun for both of us. There’s always flour on someone nose too

  138. Susan Banyard Reply

    We love making school snacks together, muesli bars, muffins ect

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