For Jeni Haynes, the abuse started when she was a baby. Her first alter, Symphony, was created when Jeni was just a little girl. These alters, or personalities, have protected Jeni throughout her child and helped lead to her abuser’s conviction. This is her story. Trigger warning.
Emma Atkinson was 35 weeks pregnant when she fell from a 10th-floor apartment in Leeds. The 27 metre fall killed the mother-to-be, leaving doctors scrambling to deliver and save her unborn baby.
Judit is a triplet (three sisters), who discovered she was pregnant with triplets. She was advised to consider a fetal reduction. On the way to the hospital to have the procedure, she had a change of heart, thanks to her own triplet experience and hold out for her miracle babies.
Parents accused of starving their teen daughter, who was an avid dancer, are now facing court for starvation as well as forging their daughter’s birth certificate to make it look like she was two years younger.
What began as a frantic search for a missing child quickly escalated into a confrontation…
Born at just 23 weeks gestation, weighing 330 grams and kept in a sandwich bag for survival, Robyn is now home after 558 days in the hospital and is a true warrior!
In today’s world, online shopping has become incredibly popular, especially as more people look for…
An Aussie couple visiting Disney World got an unexpected surprise when Hurricane Milton swept through. However, this is just the beginning of their crazy story!
After both unexpectedly losing their spouses of 20+ years, they met in their local grief group. They fell in love and on their wedding day, it had rained all morning. But just minutes before the ceremony began, the sun came out and a double rainbow appeared. It was like it was a sign from above!
Robyn Goldie was a lively young girl with a bright future ahead of her. However, her life took a devastating turn while watching television. Unfortunately, her mother, Sharon, ignored her pleas and Robyn died at home, watching Tipping Point all alone.
Have you ever heard of someone being born with two vaginas and two uteruses (uteri)? It might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but for Evelyn Miller, it’s her reality. You see, Evelyn Miller has a rare medical condition known as uterus didelphys. This condition means that Evelyn was born with not just one, but two separate vaginas and two distinct uteruses.
School Photo Day is a big event, especially for pre-schoolers who are just starting to experience the thrill of getting their photo taken. For many parents, it’s a rite of passage filled with excitement and a hint of anxiety. But in all my years of school photos, I’ve never experienced what this cheeky kid did in his! Hilarious!