
ALL Mums Agree: Covitol Delivers Winning Formula for Nappy Rash and Eczema


There’s no sugar coating it. Nappy rash sucks, not just for wee ones, but for mums as well. After all, there’s nothing like a good dose of nappy rash to bring on the mum guilt. 

But, guess what! We have found a nappy rash solution to help soothe AND heal nappy rash that really works.

 And we’re not the only ones who think so!

We recently put a call out to our Mum Central community to join us for our Covitol Cream Review – an all natural cream used to treat all sorts of skin conditions, including the dreaded nappy rash.

Covitol nappy rash cream review

Well, ladies and gents,  the votes are in. We asked 17 mums to put Covitol through its skin protection paces. The results are unanimous!

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100% (yes, that’s every single one of them) agree that Covitol provides a fast, effective way to heal nappy rash. 

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100% of our mums say they will keep using Covitol for nappy rash. 

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100% of our mums would recommend Covitol to other parents. 

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Our panel of parents included mums with bubs, toddlers, preschoolers and even teens, from states across Australia. Whether slapping on the sun screen (and sweating through the summer) in Queensland or experiencing the four seasons in one day down in Victoria, our mums agree that Covitol is the go-to when it comes to family skin problems.

Covitol isn’t your average nappy cream. For starters, it’s incredibly affordable at only $7.95 per tube (we suggest stocking up). Plus, it’s formulated to heal, soothe and prevent any flare-ups. Covitol contains high levels of Cod Liver Oil, Zinc Oxide, Paraffin & Lanolin which combine and create the ultimate thick, smooth barrier for long-lasting protection.

But don’t take our word for it!

No more nappy rash! 

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From the bums of babes, to the mouths of mums – the reviews are in:

  • “The cream soothed my toddler’s bum pretty much straight away, and I didn’t need to use it continually to keep the nappy rash away” Rachel, New South Wales
  • “Covitol treated my son’s severe nappy rash in just one evening. Far more effective and efficient than the brand I have been using.” –  Kelly, Victoria
  • “Covitol was quick, effective and mess free. My daughter’s nappy rash was gone within two days and after a few hours the rash was significantly reduced.” – Amy, Queensland
  • We have been using it to successfully treat a rash on my son who is now a much happier bub. I would not hesitate recommending this product. A great idea to keep on hand.” – Candice-Anne, Queensland

Not just a nappy cream

Covitol treatment for ezcema

Covitol review ezcema

In addition to using Covitol as a nappy cream, we asked our mums to try Covitol on other skin conditions, including eczema, sunburn, scrapes, skin infections and a-topical dermatitis and sweat rash. Here’s what they had to say about it:

  • “I started using Covitol to see if it would help with my daughter’s eczema condition. Her skin was so itchy, red raw and scabby from her scratching. I started to apply the cream morning and night and honestly within a day it was looking so much better and she wasn’t as irritated as usual. Could not be happier with Covitol.” – Meghan, South Australia
  • “I even found it helpful on the sweat/heat rash I get from having large boobs, maternity bras and warm (30+ degrees) daytime temps. It’s a wonderful cream that’s easy to use.” – Kylie, Queensland
  • “I couldn’t be happier with the outcome so far. My son’s eczema has been so bad for months and after only a few days it’s almost all better.” – Kristina, New South Wales 
  • “We like that this product doesn’t have added fragrances and is low allergy. Unlike other products it doesn’t irritate eczema. It provides a thick protective barrier and is suitable for all members of the family.” Cat, Victoria. 
  •  “It is not only targeted for the baby, even the adults can use it to protect their skin.” – Valerie, Victoria

Average rating? 4.5/5

Covitol treatment for baby face rash

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While some of our mums noticed the skin clearing up right away, it took a couple of days for others. However, all of our mums agree that Covitol is the go-to product when it comes to skin irritations, regardless of how old your wee ones are.

  • “It works. It’s easy to use. It spreads nicely but still gives thick coverage!” –  Kylie, Queensland
  • “Overall great product. Can’t think of anything to fault!” – Naomi, South Australia
  • “Honestly, give it a go and see for yourself! If bub has sensitive skin, eczema, rashes or other skin irritations I would highly recommend it!!” – Elke, South Australia  
  • “[Covitol is the] Best nappy rash cream on the market.” – Kate, South Australia

Covitol Cream review

For preventing red bottoms to relieving chapped lips (and everything in between!) grab a tube from your local pharmacy – check Covitol’s online stockist finder for one near you. At just $7.95 per tube (RRP), it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind and your bub will thank you!


Mum's Choice Thumbs Up AwardSo there you have it. Covitol Cream is a winner from top to bottom, especially with mum!

With a 100 per cent recommendation rate from testers, we’re happy to slap our seal of approval on Covitol Cream. BRAVO COVITOL, you’ve certainly earned our Mum’s Choice Thumbs Up Award!


This is a sponsored article for Covitol. All views and opinions are those of our testers.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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