Body Image

EMBRACE: How To Help Create Global Change with the Body Image Movement


Yesterday saw the launch of a crowd sourcing campaign to fund a feature length documentary called ‘Embrace’, that will unite women across the globe to love their bodies beginning with the body image story of Taryn Brumfitt, founder of The Body Image Movement.

It’s no accident that this mother of 3 chose to launch the campaign via Kickstarter on Mother’s Day. The Body Image Movement [BIM] was born from the love of a mother determined to instill a positive body image in the heart of her own daughter. Now Taryn inspires women all around the world and wants to take it even further. She wants to change lives.

“There is a movement within a movement happening right now and it is incredibly inspiring and exciting”

We have followed Taryn along her journey from the moment we knew about it. The Mum Central team is comprised almost entirely of mums and we have all had our own challenges learning to love our bodies. A movement that inspires and encourages women to “love your body” is a simple and overdue shift in thinking and Mum Central is on board.

A few weeks ago Taryn posted a ‘call out’ on her Body Image Movement Facebook page asking if anyone could donate an hour of time to put towards getting eyeballs on the video trailer during the campaign period and she couldn’t believe what happened. Within 48 hours she had a response of over 1100 people! 1100 strangers in all parts of the world have donated their time and so much more.

Women (and some men too) from all over the world, including: Kuwait, Singapore, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, France, Mexico, Johannesburg, New Zealand, Canada and of course a flood of people from all across Australia want to be part of this change.

The group is now at nearly 2000 and growing strong. Because people want to be part of something and they feel frustrated that they cannot effect the change themselves. They want to change the world and they want to be and feel part of that change but they don’t know how.

Enter Crowd Funding.

For the uninitiated, here’s a crash course in how crowd funding works. The people seeking funding set a goal amount and a deadline date. Supporters pledge the amount of money they are willing/able to pay. If the ENTIRE goal amount is reached by the deadline, then all the pledges are processed and the campaign is a success. If, however, the pledged amount is less than the goal amount by the deadline, supporters will not be charged and the campaign fails. IT’S ALL OR NOTHING.

And that’s where we come in.

If you, like us, believe that there is a culture of body loathing and body shaming of epidemic proportions across the world which MUST be stopped then here’s your chance. Become part of this movement by helping Taryn produce EMBRACE. Teach your children that women’s bodies are beautiful. Empower your daughters. Educate your sons. Remind your mothers.

Any contribution, no matter how small, will help. Watch the trailer and head to KICKSTARTER to make your pledge!

It’s time to embrace change.

Once you have embraced change by supporting the documentary, let us know you have EMBRACED by sharing a photo with the hashtag #ihaveembraced on social media. Just like our Mum Central Founder Belinda Jennings has below:


So come on, it’s time to support an amazing movement. One that will change the world, for our generation and our children’s generations.


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