
A Letter to My Newborn


To my darling baby,

It feels as if you have been with us forever, even though it’s not that long ago that I felt your teensy little bottom tucked up under my ribs and your bony little hands pressing against my belly, keeping me awake all night.

Your dad and I spent hours and hours talking all about you. Who will you look like? What will life be like once you arrive earth side? Are we ‘ready’ to be parents? I spent hours talking to you as well. In the bath mainly. I’d soak away the ache in my lower back and pelvis and chat about life as you kicked away, still safely tucked inside my belly. As we moved closer to your due date, I talked to you about when you might join us. About how I was a bit scared, but how the excitement far outweighed the fear.

While we are still learning all about you, there’s one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt; you are more wonderful, more precious and bring us more joy than we ever thought possible a few short weeks ago.

Bringing you into our family was not a decision we made lightly. We wanted you so much, but were nervous about the responsibility. Being parents is a HUGE deal and we felt woefully under-qualified. Yet here you are and so far, we’re doing ok. We’re a team and while you seem to sleep through most of our meetings, you seem glad to be part of the gang.

One of our favourite things to do is watch you slowly come awake and start to understand your growing world. As you open your eyes, you often catch sight of your daddy or I and focus intently. “I know you,” you seem to say. There are so many things to come for you yet, my darling. We’re only at the beginning of this wild ride.

I doubt you can know just yet how much you mean to us. When I whisper into your sleeping hair that you are my world, that you make me a better person, you smile in your sleep so perhaps you do know more than I think. You teach me every single day that life is for living and you make me strive to be the best person I can be. It hasn’t been an easy road to get here, but I honestly would not change a single thing. You have made me not just a mother, but your mother. A being perfectly designed just for you.

Whatever you choose to do, whoever you choose to love, your dad and I will always be your biggest fans. We will never be disappointed in you for being yourself.

There is so much more I can say but I think Tina Fey sums it up best; “Being a mum has made me so tired. And so happy”.

You are my brightest light.



Naomi is 3/4 latte drinking, peanut butter obsessed former magazine girl who now does stuff with words for a living while juggling 2.5 kids, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, husband and an unhealthy obsession with slow cooking.

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