
31 Tips for Surviving Your First Week at Home with Baby


If you’re bringing home bub soon here’s 31 expert tips from our real mums. You can do it!

With nine months to plan for the arrival of your little bundle, it’s difficult to imagine that you would be anything but prepared when he or she (or both) makes an appearance.

The nursery is all set, you’ve read the books and now it’s just a waiting game. What could possibly go wrong? Other than overbearing grandparents, endless visitors and you morphing into a sleep-hungry monster, I guess, nothing. Sure, you can be prepared in meticulous detail. But no amount of prep work can get you ready for the stream of hormones, emotions and sleep-deprivation that is early motherhood.

So how do you get through it? And just what is the plan of attack? We asked and our Mum Central community delivered (no pun intended but funny none the less!)

Here’s our top 31 tips for a blissful first week at home with baby…

  1. Have lots of pre-prepared meals ready in the freezer.
  1. Ignore the books, ignore your best friend, ignore your family members – you are the best person to mother this child. Do what works for you. You got this!
  1. If you’re medically up to it go for a slow walk, fresh air is amazing for clearing your head and making you feel better.
  1. Enjoy your cuppa when baby is asleep.
  1. If you’re breastfeeding, the first 6 weeks are the hardest. Persevere if you can. (If you can’t formula feeding is awesome! Fed is best!)
  1. Find a good supportive mothers group in your local area and try to attend it.
  1. Scrap the schedule and listen to your bub. Don’t always listen to everything everyone else tells you to do. Take their advice on board but decide what is best for you and your family. Have fun.
  1. Being organised before baby is born makes coming home so much easier. Come home to a tidy home. Frozen meals. Everything ready for baby. Do everything you can pre-baby to make post-baby easier.
  1. Ask for help when you need it. There’s no shame in asking. No mother can be a superwomen and do it all on her own.
  1. Lock the doors close the curtains….take in the fresh air in your garden or just a park with your baby and loved ones…coffee. If anyone asks what to get say “home cooked meals for the freezer” and coffee.
  1. Don’t compare yourself to other mums.
  1. You’re going to be tired, really tired, but NEVER yawn while changing a nappy…
  1. Be clear on what you want from family and friends. Whether that be to be left alone to enjoy quiet bonding time with baby or to come over and help/keep company/share the joy. Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.
  1. Just roll with it; don’t worry if you’re not dressed before lunch…or at all.
  1. Don’t try and be the perfect mum to your baby…you already are.
  1. Always trust your instincts.
  1. Don’t google things; just go with it.
  1. If someone offers to help, let them! People really wouldn’t offer if they didn’t mean it.
  1. Have a good support system around you.
  1. Be kind to yourself and let the tears flow if you need to.
  1. It doesn’t matter if your house is untidy; the housework can wait.
  1. Take things one feed at a time. Being a new mum is overwhelming and newborns can be so unpredictable.
  1. If you’re unable to breastfeed, it’s OK. Formula is not wrong.
  1. Get some new PJs; you might be in them quite a lot!
  1. Don’t always listen to others; do what you feel is best for you and your baby.
  1. It’s OK to tell friends and family to give you some space and to come visit once things have settled down.
  1. If it’s all getting too much, confide in someone instead of letting it fester.
  1. Just sit with your baby and enjoy how precious they are.
  1. Have no preconceived ideas. You’re setting yourself up for stress. Just roll with the days, roll with the nights. Accept you will be tired. Accept it can be hard. Know that it will be over before you know it (and you’ll be arguing over how late they can stay at a party!)
  1. Enjoy it, before you know it they won’t fit in your arms.
  1. Remember….it gets easier.

The first few weeks of motherhood is like nothing you’ve ever experienced but with so much information and advice out there, it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the hype instead of taking time to get to know your little miracle.

Remember this life changing moment and those first few days can’t be recaptured. Soak it up, don’t stress and take our readers tips into consideration as you enjoy this special time as a new family.


An expat, mum of one with a thirst for knowledge; Fiona writes honestly & openly and likes to ask questions! She's no stranger to travelling with a toddler, is obsessed with pineapples and has a life long hobby of trying to keep fit!

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