Pineapple Lovers, Here’s 17 Delicious Pineapple Recipes You Won’t Want to Miss

Summer is well and truly here and there’s no fruit that better captures the Aussie taste of the season than delicious, juicy pineapple.

Of course, pineapples are now actually available year round with the sweet-eating Pure Gold variety, distinctive with it’s top off in your local fruit shop or supermarket. (If they don’t have Pure Gold on display please ask for them by name!)

None-the-less to launch the tropical season I am delighted to share with you a completely fabulous and totally free recipe book perfect for the whole family!


download-nowThis recipe collection celebrates the versatility of pineapple and the many ways we can cook, eat, drink and serve it! Your kids will be nuts for the Tropical Pine Lime Ice Blocks, the whole crew will agree on the Aussie Beef & Pineapple Burgers, the Sweet n Sour Kebabs are perfect for easy evenings on the BBQ and I’d be lying if I didn’t say the Pina Colada is my personal fave.

What you may not know is that aside from being delicious pineapple contains an extraordinary enzyme called Bromelain, which has all sorts of magical, medicinal powers. Bromelain has been scientifically linked to successful treatment of joint pain, asthma, allergy, digestion, inflammation, more rapid recovery from surgery and sinus infections!

These powerful properties are only found in fresh pineapple so be sure to head to the your fruit shop not the tinned goods aisle.

I know as a Mum, just like you, I am always seeking a natural, delicious food that my kids and I can agree on! Pineapple ticks so many boxes with its scrumptious golden flesh, versatile menu options and it’s ability to naturally sweeten so many dishes (without adding sugar!)

I hope you will enjoy this tasty and fun family recipe book as much as Pure Gold and Mum Central have enjoyed creating it for you.

Yours in parenting, good food and the love of the Pina Colada

Belinda x

Ashleigh is a single mum of four primary school kidlets, two dogs, one very lazy cat and two guinea pigs that the kids insisted on getting. She lives in Victoria and loves to cook, craft and read.

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