5 elegant and fun cocktail recipes

With the weekend coming up you’ll want to sit back, relax, and treat yourself to a drink or two with friends. Why not try a few of these cocktail recipes?


Guava margarita


Can’t go past this refreshing and fruity treat!

Shake up equal parts guava nectar and tequila with the juice of a lime and a few leaves of fresh basil. Line the glass with salt before serving.


Gin iced tea cocktail


A few glasses of this cocktail and you’ll feel like you’re relaxing, beachside in no time!

Brew 4 strong cups of Earl Grey tea. Strain into a large jug with 4 teaspoons of sugar an the juice of 1 lemon. Add ¼ cup of gin. Add some sliced peaches and mint leaves.


Prosecco slushie


It’s a cool, grown up version slushie, perfect for a garden party or high tea!

In a food processor, blend 4 scoops of lemon sorbet, ¼ cup of vodka, 10 ice cubes and a bottle of Prosecco.


Coffee and Almond


This creamy dream is our favourite with after dinner sweets!

Shake up 1 part coffee liqueur, 1 part amaretto, 1 espresso shot and 2 parts cream. Garnish with orange wedge. Pour over ice to serve.

Ashleigh is a single mum of four primary school kidlets, two dogs, one very lazy cat and two guinea pigs that the kids insisted on getting. She lives in Victoria and loves to cook, craft and read.

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