Competitions - Closed

Get Your Groove On and Share in the Prizes with Huggies Nappy Pants


Proudly brought to you by Huggies Nappy Pants

My little one never stops moving! I seriously don’t know where they get their energy from. They’re always running and jumping and climbing and dancing and rolling around which is awesome for their gross motor skills development. Not so much for changing nappies though!

I can barely get them to stop long enough to eat, let alone lay down to change their nappy which is why I swear by nappy pants. They make my life soooo much easier. I can ALMOST change them on the run – provided they don’t actually HAVE the runs… if y’know what I mean!

As if that’s not reason enough to be excited, Huggies have an awesome competition which is PERFECT for me and my little one to enter. All I have to do is film them grooving in their nappy pants. That’s it. I’ve already had three opportunities just this morning to do that! Here’s one we prepared earlier!

If you’ve got a baby or toddler, this is a cool opportunity not to be missed! Simply capture them moving and grooving to their favourite tunes and you could share in a bunch of fabulous prizes with the Huggies Nappy Pants Little Groover Giveaway. #nappypantsdance More here:

Posted by Mum Central on Monday, 3 August 2015


Then I upload my best video to the Huggies Facebook Wall or my own Instagram or Twitter accounts with the hashtag #nappypantsdance and I’m in with a chance to win a $5,000 Disney Party Pack or a $500 Disney Prize.


I can even register for a sample pack so that I go into the draw for an extra prize, just for me this time. A Jo Malone hamper and $500 Myer Gift Card sounds perfect to reward myself for chasing after my little action man all day!

To find out more just visit their website and get your entries in today, as they close on 14th August.


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