Like us, you’re probably too busy to iron. This ironing hack will save you dragging out the iron and board, and save you a load of hassle in the process.
Let’s face it – we’ve got enough going on without having to worry about whipping out the iron to in the rush to get out the door! Fortunately, relief is in sight!
All you need to do is grab your shirt/blouse/skirt/pants and pop a couple (yes 2 or 3) ice cubes into the tumble dryer with your DRY clothes on its highest heat setting for about 5 minutes.
Make sure they’re dry and on the highest heat setting. The ice cubes will melt and the steam will remove the creases. 5 minute later, voila! No more wrinkles!
As an alternative, you can throw a wet tea towel in the dryer too – same process as the ice cubes. Anything to save dragging out the iron hey!
Where are the crisp pleats?
Back in the 70’s where they belong lol 😛