
Bouncing Back and Thriving: 10 Ways to Get Over a Breakup


Breakups are an inevitable part of life, yet they often feel like the end of the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s a family relationship, a romantic relationship, or a close friendship.

The emotional turmoil, the loss, and the overwhelming sense of emptiness can be incredibly challenging to endure. However, with time and the right strategies, you can not only survive a breakup but also thrive in the aftermath.

How to get over a Breakup

Let’s explore the journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth that can help you get over a breakup.

1. Allow Yourself to Grieve

Breaking up with someone you love is a loss, and it’s essential to acknowledge and validate your emotions. Grieving is a natural and healthy response to the end of a relationship. It’s okay to feel sadness, anger, confusion, and loneliness. Avoiding or suppressing these emotions can hinder the healing process. Let the tears flow, wallow over a tub of ice cream, scream into a pillow if you need to, and understand that it’s okay not to be okay for a while.

2. Reach Out for Support

During tough times, it’s crucial to lean on your support system. Your friends and family can provide emotional support, offer a listening ear, and even distract you from your pain. Sharing your feelings with your most trusted people helps you feel less isolated and reminds you that you’re not alone.

3. Self-Care and Self-Compassion

A breakup is an ideal time to focus on self-care and self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and love that you would offer to a friend in distress. Engage in activities that make you feel good, whether it’s taking long walks, indulging in your favourite hobby, or practising mindfulness and meditation. Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is essential for healing.

Mummy burnout tips
Source: Bigstock

4. Reflect and Learn

Breakups often bring about self-reflection. Use this time to evaluate the relationship and your role in it. What did you learn about yourself during the partnership? What are the aspects of the relationship you’d like to avoid in the future, and what qualities are you seeking in a partner? What are the red flags you wish you’d seen earlier? By understanding your experiences and learning from them, you can grow and make more informed choices in the future.

5. Set Boundaries

Maintaining distance from your ex-partner is essential for your healing process. This separation allows you to focus on yourself and regain your emotional balance. Setting clear boundaries is crucial, whether it’s having someone there when they come to pick up their belongings, limiting contact, unfollowing on social media, or even temporarily blocking their number. This separation will help you avoid unnecessary emotional turbulence and pave the way for personal growth.

6. Embrace Change

Change is a constant part of life, and breakups are a significant change. Instead of resisting it, embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth. Use this time to explore new activities, make new friends, or even change your routine. New experiences and perspectives can help you regain a sense of purpose and identity.

7. Reframe Negative Thoughts

Breakups often bring negative self-talk and self-doubt. Challenge these thoughts by reframing them. Instead of thinking, “I’ll never find love again,” tell yourself, “This breakup is a chance to grow and learn about what I want in a relationship.” By altering your perspective, you can regain a sense of control and optimism.

8. Focus on Your Goals

Rediscover and work on your personal goals and aspirations. Whether it’s a career objective, a fitness target, or a creative project, redirecting your energy toward achieving your goals can be highly empowering. Accomplishing these goals not only boosts your self-esteem but also reminds you of your worth and potential.

How to get over a breakup
Source: Bigstock

9. Seek Professional Help

If the emotional turmoil becomes too overwhelming or lingers for an extended period, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A therapist or counsellor can provide valuable insights, coping strategies, and support tailored to your specific needs. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance if you feel it’s necessary.

10. Time Heals

It’s a cliché, but time truly is the best healer for everything, including how to get over a breakup. The intensity of your emotions will gradually subside, and you’ll begin to feel more like yourself again. Be patient with the healing process and acknowledge that it’s not linear. There will be ups and downs, but with time, the downs will become less frequent and less severe.

Remember in the end, you’ll emerge from this experience stronger, wiser, and more resilient, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. The pain of a breakup may feel insurmountable, but you have the inner strength to not only survive but thrive in its wake.

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Tina Evans is a complete introvert, an avid reader of romance novels, horror novels and psychological thrillers. She’s a writer, movie viewer, and manager of the house menagerie: three kelpies, one cat, a fish, and a snake. She loves baking and cooking and using her kids as guinea pigs. She was a teenage parent and has learned a lot in twenty-three years of parenting. Tina loves Christmas and would love to experience a white Christmas once in her life. Aside from writing romance novels, she is passionate about feminism, equality, sci-fi, action movies and doing her part to help the planet.

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