
The Toddler Sleep Routine and Infant Sleep Aid That Really WORKS!


Of the 24 hours in a day, infants and toddlers are generally only awake for around 8-11 of them. It may seem like an especially long 8-11 hours simply because when infants and toddlers are awake, they are go, go, go!

From around the age of nine months, infants need 13-15 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period which generally includes one or two naps during the day and a stint of around 11 hours at night.

Convincing your infant or toddler that they require this sleep can prove especially difficult. After all, toddlers aren’t exactly the most obedient of the bunch, especially when they are busy exploring their world.

Child with santi the sloth infant sleep aid
Your toddler needs 13-15 hours’ sleep per 24 hour period. Source: Supplied

To assist with the dreaded bedtime, we’ve come up with a foolproof step-by-step guide to getting your infant or toddler to sleep. This routine is specially designed for our busy babies and bouncy tots who may have a hard time settling down and accepting the need to sleep.

Our sleep routine follows a 7-R’s approach and features our top pick for an infant sleep aid. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

Set the Stage for Sleep Success with the 7 R’s

1. Relax

After dinner, it’s time to settle down which involves:

A. A quiet activity such as a puzzle, colouring or some songs for younger infants.
B. A warm bath.
C. A massage. This is a lot easier when your little one isn’t a squirmy wormy but even older tots will generally settle down for a few moments if you give them a bit of a backrub.

mum centralHOT TIP: Aim to keep the bedtime routine around the same time every night.

Relaxing toddler with bathtime
Relax – the first step to winding down! Source: Bigstock

2. Reset

This is the time to cuddle, snuggle, rub their back, tickle their feet and let your little one reflect on the day. Infants and even young toddlers may not understand this, but you can talk to your infant about your day, share your favourite things about it and have a chat with them about anything.

As they learn to communicate and get older, this will become a really important part of the bedtime routine where they can share any concerns or wins about their day. We all need a comfortable and secure outlet to unwind before bed and a little chat and cuddle with Mum is a great way to end the day.

toddler sleep routine
Source: Adobe Stock

3. Request

Next, we have the request stage which is when your toddler requests 85 billion things before going to bed. A glass of milk. A snack. A blanket. A stuffed toy. To avoid returning to the bedroom over and over again, explain that this is their Request Time where they can request what they need ONCE and only once a night.

Toddler ready for bedtime
Get your toddler requests out in one go! Source: Bigstock

4. Read 

Step four involves a book. Settle your little one into the covers or onto your lap and read out loud to them. Even if they seem disinterested, want to squirm around or are too busy trying to chew the pages, keep going. Eventually, they will discover that book signals bed. 

Reading to child
Reading is a great winding-down experience. Source: Adobe Stock

5. Remind

After the book, give them a gentle reminder that it’s now time for bed. One last kiss, a cuddle, a lullaby perhaps.

Toddler ready for bed - no more time to play
Reminding them it’s bedtime will be key. Source: Bigstock

6. Remove

Remove yourself from the room firmly and without a fuss. It’s time to let your little one drift off to sleep on their own, with the help of a sleep saviour named Santi.

Santi the Sloth - Toddler Bedtime
Time to step away and let Santi do the work! Source: Supplied

7. Relegate to Santi

Santi the Sloth is an infant’s night-time spirit animal and every parent’s dream. It’s an infant sleep aid but it’s so much more than that. It’s the only smart sleep toy designed and developed in Australia that doubles as a white noise machine, monitor, cuddly sleep toy and comforter that will keep your little one safe throughout the night.

You know how Linus from The Peanuts had his blue Blankie? Well, Santi is this generation’s Blankie, only so much better. And less tattered too.

Santi the sloth infant sleep aid
It really is your bedtime hero! Source: Supplied

The sleep toy infants love and parents need

Santi the Sloth is the brainchild of a loving mother and father of three that combines modern technology with comfort, ensuring a restful night’s sleep for babies and peace of mind for parents.

Santi the sloth
Santi just hangin’ around doing his thing! Source: Supplied

‌To your little one, Santi is a snuggly and soft mate to sleep with. Santi is a soft glow nightlight to keep them safe from monsters and a white noise machine to help them drift into the land of nod.

He also features a bluetooth speaker allowing you to stream any sound of your choice as well as being able to record your own voice or other sounds.

Santi is also an excellent singer with a range of lullabies and even nature sounds. Santi gives the best hugs and can go anywhere, making him the perfect travel companion. He’s also machine-washable and droll, juice and crusted-playdoh proof. 

Santi the Sloth's Features
Santi the Sloth is more than just a bedtime cuddler! Source: Supplied

To your little one, Santi is a friend to help them fall asleep, a soft body to snuggle and a sleep aide to keep them safe and secure.

Santi the sleep aid
Source: Supplied

White noise, sleep toy and even a monitor! 

To us parents, Santi the Sloth is so much more. He’s quickly becoming a bedtime staple for sleep-deprived parents and restless kids. Not only a newborn sleep aid and an infant sleep aid, Santi will remain close by your little one as they tottle into toddlerhood and prance into preschool.

Santi can be controlled via a proprietary app so parents can set timers, customise Santi’s settings and control Santi remotely, through the secure, Australian-developed app.

Santi the Sloth is also a monitor that ensures the optimal sleep environment, automatically adjusting the lullabies, white noise and nightlight brightness based on your child’s movements. It can also keep an eye on their movement, cries and the room temperature. What a clever sloth!

Santi the sloth white noise sleep toy
Source: Supplied

Santi will keep up with the many bumps that come with being a child’s favourite sleep toy too. He’s made with high-quality, baby-safe materials, ensuring durability and safety. Santi has also been tested and complies with all Australian and New Zealand safety standards too. He’s also fully rechargeable and even comes with a 30-day sleep guarantee so you can try Santi risk-free with the option to return it for a full refund within 30 days if you’re not satisfied.

Santi the sloth sleep aid
Your child’s new bedtime hero. Source: Supplied

The 7-Rs of Sleep Success

With the help of Santi and the 7-Rs above, you can expect peaceful nights and happy mornings. After all, a rested tot makes for a happy tot the next day.

Other R’s you might encounter

REWARD: Many parents will use a reward system to help their little ones fall asleep on their own and stay in their beds all night long. This is entirely up to you but it can be a helpful way to break any bad sleep habits that may have developed.

REVERT: This is a normal process in any sleep routine where your little one will revert to night wakings, early mornings or constantly needing you. This may be caused by teething, sickness, a change in routine or simply because toddlers like to keep you on your toes, especially at night.

REFUSAL TO SLEEP ALONE:  Little ones who are used to having you close by can struggle when they move to their own cot or big bed. Santi the Sloth is not designed to replace you, but rather to help your infant learn to fall asleep on their own. It’s a learning process and it can take time, but with routine, patience and Santi, your little one will get there.

‌Save 10% on Santi the Sloth

Experience the magic of Santi the Sloth, the world’s first programmable sleep companion, customised for your little one. Santi is a multi-award winner and comes with several 5-star reviews and makes a great gift too.

Santi the sloth sleep aid review
He really makes such a positive impact at bedtime!  Source: Supplied

For a limited time, get free shipping and enjoy 10% off with code MUMCENTRAL.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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