
Celebrate Your Little Heroes at Home with PJ Masks


It’s been a crazy few months, hasn’t it? This has definitely been a new and unique experience for all of us. But you know who deserves the biggest applause for staying positive during this time? Our awesome kids!

Think about it. Our kids have never stayed indoors more than they have in these past weeks. All the things they look forward to – playgroups, parks and even preschool have been taken away from them. And in its place? Rules.

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Yet, somehow, they get up and carry on. They make it their mission to make the best out of the situation. They make blanket forts, construct obstacle courses, craft cool space ships out cardboard boxes and help us with the washing (sort of).

Mostly, they make us laugh, they keep us active and they remind us that staying home is the most heroic thing we can do right now.

Our kids really are our little heroes at home. And for that, they deserve the world (when we’re allowed out of lockdown, of course).

Here’s a fun at-home activity for the kids –  just print out the PJ Masks colouring-in sheet below and let your little hero colour it in!


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And the cherry on top? Not only will you keep them busy with this colouring-in challenge, but it will also get them excited for the NEW SEASON OF PJ MASKS, airing on ABC Kids iView every Monday at 4:20pm. YAY!

It’s time to be a hero 

If your little one loves PJ Masks, then you’re probably all too familiar with the show. It’s one of our favourite preschooler programs that follows the thrilling night-time adventures of Catboy, Owlette and Gekko.

Cute theme song. Catchy phrases. Fun characters. Great graphics. But what we especially love about it is how much our own little superheroes love it. And how they are actually being taught some pretty important lessons – you know, like working as a team, helping out, being active, solving problems – in every episode.

Now more than ever we need these superheroes in our children’s lives, to show our kids that they too are saving the day, simply by staying home, being creative, staying active and helping out. mum central

Celebrating our little heroes at home

This is why the team behind PJ Masks setup an Activity Hub on their website and apps. There are activity sheets, videos and heaps more fun things for the kids to do at home. We’ve shared some of them below so you can easily print them off and give them a go.

Get Active! Master the PJ Masks moves

Flex those Super Gekko Muscles, Super Gekko Camouflage, Super Lizard Grip by mastering these hero moves (and burning some energy in the process).

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Get Creative! Make your own Owlette wings 

“Owl Eyes, Super Owl Wings, Owl Wing Wind”… make your own Owlette wings and fly through the house. How cute!


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Get Helping! PJ Masks reward stickers and chart

Let them use their “Super Cat Speed, Super Cat Jump, Cat Ears” to help you around the house. Then reward their efforts with this adorable printable reward stickers plus chart and Hero Certificate. So cute, right?


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Get Rewarding! A Certificate for every hero!

What better way to celebrate the Hero status than with one of these awesome certificates! Print it out, fill it in and watch their face beam with pride!


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Get Power!  To the amulets!

Print out these amazing amulets to bring the real hero power home! (Remember to print two copies – one for each arm!)


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Get Colouring! Colour to WIN

Print it, colour it, upload it and enter it to WIN 1 of 3 PJ Masks Prize Packs! The entry form is below.

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Download them all


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Hungry for more?

Head to the PJ Masks website for more activities and videos and catch the brand new season of PJ Masks on ABC Kids.

This is a sponsored competition for PJ Masks

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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