Measles Outbreak – Southern Adelaide


New measles outbreak in Adelaide

8 January 2014

The CDCB has been notified of another case of measles. It is believed to be linked to a recent case in the southern Adelaide metropolitan region, whose infection was acquired interstate. This is the second case of measles notified in South Australia in 2014. Sixteen cases were notified in 2013.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection transmitted via respiratory aerosols that remain a risk to others for up to two hours after the person has left the area. The incubation period is about 10 days (range seven to 18 days) to the onset of prodromal symptoms and about 14 days to the appearance of the rash. The illness is characterised by cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, a descending morbilliform rash, and fever present at the time of rash onset. The infectious period is from five days before the appearance of the rash to four days after the appearance of the rash.

Please be alert for further cases of measles, especially in people who were at these locations during the specified times:

  • Foodland supermarket, 228 Seaford Road, Seaford: Wednesday 1 January 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm
  • The Currant Shed, 104 Ingoldby Road, McLaren Flat: Wednesday 1 January 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
  • Noarlunga Health Service Emergency Department, Noarlunga Centre: Thursday 2 January 5.00 am to 10.45 am, Saturday 4 January 2.45 pm to 8.30 pm and Tuesday 7 January 4.00 am to 9.00 am
  • Coles supermarket, 130 Main Road, McLaren Vale: Thursday January 2 10.30 am to 1.00 pm, Friday January 3 8.30 am to 10.30 am, Sunday 5 January 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm
  • Aldinga Central Shopping Centre, corner of Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga: Friday 3 January 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm
  • Southern Vales Family Chiropractic, 263 Main Road, McLaren Vale: Friday 3 January 5.30 pm to 7.45 pm
  • BWS (Beer Wine Spirits), Central Shopping Centre, Main Road, McLaren Vale: Friday 3 January 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm
  • Hackham Medical Centre, 234 Honeypot Road, Huntfield Heights: Saturday 4 January 1.45 pm to 4.30 pm
  • PETstock and Spotlight Stores, 2 Seaman Road, Noarlunga: Sunday 5 January 11.00 am to 1.30 pm

Measles vaccination

  • Two doses of measles containing vaccine are highly effective at preventing measles.
  • Offer measles vaccination (unless contraindicated) to all susceptible people over nine months of age who are born after or during 1966 who attend your practice for any reason.
  • Consider measles vaccination when providing overseas travel medical advice.
  • Measles vaccine (MMR) is provided free for people born after or during 1966 who have not already received two doses of measles vaccine.

Patients suspected of having measles

Doctors are asked to:

  • Notify urgently any patient suspected to have measles to the CDCB on 1300 232 272 (24 hours/7 days).
  • Arrange urgent laboratory testing through IMVS, including a throat swab for measles PCR (viral transport medium), urine for measles PCR (yellow top container) and blood (clotted serum tube) for measles-specific IgM and IgG.
  • Isolate suspected and confirmed measles cases and exclude from child-care/ school/ workplace for at least four days after rash appearance.
  • Ensure that all household and other contacts are protected against measles as indicated in the Australian Immunisation Handbook 10th edition pages 280-281.
  • Minimise transmission of measles in the surgery:
    • Examine patients suspected of having measles in their own homes wherever possible.
    • Have the suspected case avoid using the waiting room and conduct the consultation in a room that can be left vacant for at least two hours afterwards.
    • Treat all people who attend the rooms within two hours of the infectious patient as contacts.

For further clinical information

Further clinical information is available at and recent public health alerts are available at


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