Meet Rami Adham, often referred to as the Toy Smuggler of Aleppo. Seems like a reverse Santa, right? Wrong. So, so, so very wrong.
This Syrian-Finnish father of six risks his life to bring toys to little boys and girls in Syria. In the past five years he’s gone back and forth between Finland and Syria 28 times. And, it’s not exactly as easy as taking a flight.
Adham literally has to dodge bullets, just to bring toys to children in need. He has Turkish ‘contacts’ who have to smuggle him (and the toys) into Syria. He has to walk—sometimes for hours and hours, just to get to the children.
Not only does Adham bring toys to these children, but he also brings food and had funded four schools.
A video showing what Adham does and how it affects the Syrian children is getting some major attention on Facebook. With more than 18 million views, it has over 7,100 comments and 245,000 reactions.
Take a look and see for yourself. The video shows just how important this man is and how deep his help runs.
One Facebook commenter wrote, “Respect for this man, what a hero!!! He is doing many things that the governments of the world can’t or won’t do. A lot of us sitting here wanted to help, but no ones get the courage and determination as much as he does for these people.” Another commenter wrote, “I am grateful to this man. I wish this war would stop, or all war and hate. You are a wonderful person, thank you for bringing something positive.”
And, that he truly does. Adham might not be bringing piles of money or medical help. But, he is bringing something that these children don’t have much of—happiness.
Toys may seem simple. After all, they are only child’s playthings. But, the act of bringing them to kids who have nothing brings hope where there is none.