Megan Gale Shares First Photo of Her Newborn Daughter


Eyes bleary, with a look of proud exhaustion on her make-up free face. Model mumma Megan Gale has just shared this intimate photo cradling her newborn daughter in her hospital bed.

Dressed in a plain hospital gown with her daughter at her breast, it’s not the usual Gale glamour shot. But Megan, 42, looks like there’s nowhere else she’d rather be as she snuggles with her baby girl.

The little bubba, who hasn’t yet been named, still has a layer of vernix on her peachy newborn skin in the post-birth photo that Megan shared on Instagram. And Megan? Well, she just glows.

“Hard to believe a week has passed since we welcomed our precious girl into the world and our lives,” Megan writes. “This photo was taken exactly a week ago while I was enjoying my first cuddle with her.

“She is yet to be officially named but we’re getting close.”

The stunning photo comes a week after Megan and her AFL footballer fiancee Shaun Hampson, 29, revealed the safe arrival of their second child. The couple also have a three-year-old son, River.

“Healthy as can be”

WHEN 3 BECOMES 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Our darling little bun came out of the oven earlier this week 🍞 Sweet little soul. You are already so blessed. Healthy as can be with a family that has fallen head over heels in love with you. A big brother that is already so attentive and protective, (who has also handled all these big changes like a boss ) a Dad who is so smitten with you and that you already have firmly wrapped around your little finger. And myself, who’s been so lucky to have carried you in my belly for 9 months and to have had the pleasure and privilege of birthing you into this world (and can I just say .. we nailed it kid 👊🏼). I’m so committed to being the absolute best mother, friend and role model for you. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mama, my darling girl 💖

A post shared by MEGAN GALE (@megankgale) on

Their daughter arrived safely on 27 September, 2017, four days before Shaun joined his Richmond teammates in the Grand Final.

“I’m so committed to being the absolute best mother, friend and role model for you. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mama, my darling girl,” wrote Megan.

The newly-minted mum-of-two later revealed she watched the nail-biting match from her hospital bed.

So far, footy’s most glamorous couple are resisting pressure from fans to name their daughter Dusty, after her daddy’s Tiger teammate Dusty Martin. But we’ll let you know as soon as they do settle on a name for the little sweetie.

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Nikki is a former news journalist who used to spend her days chasing shady types around town ... until she had kids and went all soft on the inside. She now spends her days cajoling her kids to pick up their damn Lego and eat more fruit.

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