Health Warnings

Mum Fighting for Life From Flu Doesn’t Know She’s Given Birth


Last month Sarah Hawthorn welcomed a healthy baby boy.

However, the new mum has yet to lay eyes on her son. In fact, she isn’t even aware she has given birth to a “perfect baby boy”.

Authorities have already warned that Australia is in the grips of its worst flu season ever with tens of thousands Australians struck down. The latest flu victim is Sarah Hawthorn, a 33-year-old fit and healthy first-time mum from Cobram in country Victoria.

News of her terrible situation comes only days after the death of eight-year-old Melbourne girl Rosie Brealey from the flu after what her family thought was a bad cold.

Sarah spent eight days in and out of doctor’s offices after contracting the flu while pregnant. She was sent home on numerous occasions, her family explain.

Influenza A sends pregnant mum into an induced coma

mum in coma after contracting flu while pregnant
Image source: Facebook

On 28 August the very sick pregnant mum was finally escorted to hospital by an ambulance. Doctors put her into an induced coma and performed an emergency birth to ensure the safety of Sarah’s newborn.

Sarah’s husband Robert remains by her side, caring for their newborn son, who was five weeks premature. Sarah has yet to hold her newborn – a baby boy named Bomber Hawk. She is completely unaware that she has given birth.

Sarah remains in critical condition, in an induced coma, completely reliant on a machine. Doctors at The Alfred Hospital have confirmed that she had contracted influenza A and pneumonia, and other complications.

Sarah’s sister-in-law, Rachael Holt explains, “Sarah remains in an induced coma, fighting for her life, unaware that she has given birth to the most perfect little baby boy.”

Sarah’s family have set up a fundraising page for the new family and “continue to hope and pray for the best possible outcome.”

Flu epidemic continues across Australia

Victoria is battling one of its worst flu seasons. So far, authorities have confirmed more than 13,000 cases, and in just over a month at least 10 people, including an eight-year-old girl and a 30-year-old father-of-two, have died from flu complications.

Health authorities have previously blamed unvaccinated children for helping spread the flu virus , turning it into a nation-wide epidemic. Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy is urging people to have a flu shot, even though it is late in the season.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

1 Comment

  1. All the nursing home residents in Victoria were vaccinated but died anyway. Flu vaccine kills.

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