Competitions - Closed

The One Household Necessity Too Many Overlook. Are You At Risk?


Let’s face it, life’s unpredictable.  Sometimes we’re prepared for the curveballs, and sometimes we’re not. And while we try to do the best we can with what we have, having protection in place for times like this is not just a good idea, it’s the kind of backup plan families need to avoid a major setback.

So who’s with me on this one? Hands up who hates paying insurance?? NOTE: My hand is WAY UP in the air. I hate paying insurance.  It just seems like such a waste. All that money, disappearing into what seems like thin air. WHY? Why do I have pay home insurance?

Because that’s what grown-ups do. Because grown-ups know about sh*t. They know it happens, that it can hit the fan and they know that if you’re going to be up the proverbial creek, you’ll need a paddle.

Insurance IS the paddle.

“But I don’t NEED insurance! What would I need to insurance for?” I hear you say?

Well for a start – your home. Your beautiful home that you saved up for and scoured the weekend papers to find and entered into a mortgage for the rest of your natural life with a financial institution to purchase. It’s pretty important and it’s incredibly valuable – regardless of its actual value.

Memories are made here. You are warm here and safe and secure. Your home is where you live and often where you love. It also holds those things most valuable to you – your family, your pets and your possessions and because of that, you go to great lengths to make sure it is secure. Locks on the doors and windows. Monitored alarm systems. Outdoor sensor lights. Security gates. Smoke detectors.

The truth is that no matter how much or well we may invest in preventative insurance we KNOW that shit still happens. Yet even with all that grown-up ‘knowing’ so many of us STILL think “It won’t happen to me.”

So you may think that takes care of fire and theft. But what about life’s OTHER surprises? Like your two year-old giving your camera a bath in the toilet. Or perhaps a passing car losing control and landing in your lounge room. Or a neighbouring tree crashing through your family room. Or losing your roof in a freak storm. Or your toddler’s best efforts at redecorating your lounge with a permanent marker.

It’s a cliché but life really IS unpredictable.

Stop and think about the horrific events that have marred our nation and it all starts to become very real (and VERY close to home!)  The bushfires that tore through Victoria on Black Saturday in 2009 took over 2,000 homes in its path, the Blue Mountains in 2012 claimed over 200 homes and the most recent Sampson Flat and WA Bushfires in 2014 all add to the impact these unforseen events can have on our lives.  The devastation of the Queensland Floods and most recent Sydney Storms will remain with so many Australians for a lifetime, with so many sadly underinsured, or even worse, not insured at all.

I know many of you are saying you can’t afford the whole box and dice, and I get that.  What I love is that you can mix and match your insurance dependant on your budget and your lifestyle and know at least you’re covered for the unexpected. HOW covered is then up to you.

Allianz offer a choice of three home and contents insurance packages dependant on your needs so it doesn’t cost a fortune to have cover.

I’ve leaned on my insurance for ‘events’ out of my control, from a burst water pipe to a storm damaged roof.  Look, I’m a pretty careful person, but no matter how careful WE are, there’s always other contributing factors of family life! Here’s what happened to me:

  1. Only 6 weeks after buying a $2700 MacBook Pro, my 1yo knocked a can of soft drink on the coffee table which fell onto my laptop, spilling a lovely sugary sweet residue all over my laptop (and seeping deep into my keyboard!)
  2. Not 3 months later, (yeah right hey!) master 3 put his water bottle into my handbag (as they do!) however he didn’t close the lid properly did he?! Unfortunately for me I also had my VERY new (and expensive) digital SLR camera in there.  I suddenly heard a rather agitated clicking sound to discover my camera was taking a bath and needed some serious mouth to mouth at the Camera Store.

These two instances alone would have cost me almost $4,000 to replace these two items, had it not been for the Accidental Damage cover on my policy. That’s just been the last two years! So touch wood, that’s going to be the last claim for a while!

accidental damage

You may be thinking I’m not in a flood or bushfire zone so that will never happen to me. But it COULD and the only way to protect ourselves from loss, damage and subsequent hardship is to be adequately insured.  

Wait. What does ‘adequately insured’ mean?

Basically, it means that you should take care not to under-insure. When a policy does not fully cover the cost of replacing your home and contents you are underinsured. Research shows that one in five Australian homes are underinsured by as much as 30% for home building costs and one in three Australian homes are underinsured by as much as 30% for contents. One reason that can cause this is if you inaccurately calculate the replacement cost of your home and contents or perhaps the sum insured was sufficient when the policy was taken out but rebuilding costs have changed at a greater rate than annual increases. This will obviously result in the consumer becoming underinsured over time.

But what sort of things should be insured?

As a guide, you should consider how much it would cost you to replace things such as your personal items, books, music, crockery, manchester, sporting equipment, garden tools, artwork, clothes, furniture and electrical goods. You should also get some help to assess what it would cost you to re-build, re-paint, re-roof or re-landscape your property should it be damaged by fire, storm or impact.

Not sure where to start?

Allianz has two super easy online calculators HERE and which will give you an idea of what you should be insuring your home and contents for. It literally only takes minutes and asks very simple questions to calculate what your valuables are worth. I was amazed at how much it would cost to rebuild my house!

So if it’s been a while since you revalued your home or contents, or are just slightly curious how affordable cover would be,  jump online and do the exercise for yourself. We bet you’ll be surprised at just how easy and affordable it is for one of life’s little luxuries – peace of mind.

Proudly sponsored by Allianz Australia. All opinions are our own and we recommend you check the PDS for full details.

Like Allianz on Facebook to show your support of our sponsors!


To celebrate the love of our homes, we’re giving 5 lucky readers a $100 Ikea Gift Card to spend on whatever they desire for their home.  

Simply complete the entry form below and you’re in the running to win!

To enter, simply tell us below what you’ve love to buy for your home, complete the entry form and you’re in the running!

BONUS ENTRIES:  Share with your friends on Facebook and for every friend that enters, you’ll get another entry into the draw! Plus, come back each day for a bonus entry and you’re in with even more of a chance!

Be sure to check out all our other competitions HERE

Good luck!

Win a $100 IKEA Gift Card


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. Brooke Parker Reply

    Storage Furniture for Cd’s, Dvd’s, Lego Sets and just random things so my room can’t get cluttered.

  2. Michelle Green Reply

    I love IKEA’s bathroom ware so I would add to what we have already bought from there.

  3. we love ikea, my children love the crèche and I love wondering around the store and buying!!

  4. Mandy Gebhard Reply

    I would like to buy the Trofast system to organise my kids toys!

  5. Have never been to Ikea but want to. Would love to get some storage containers.

  6. Charl Lowther Reply

    I love Ikea! Would love another Trofast Storage system for all the Lego!

  7. Peta-Lee Bartlett Reply

    We need some new draws for our kid’s rooms now they are sharing and the nursery furniture isbeing farewelled

  8. Jessica Walters Reply

    More storage for my boys bedrooms, lighting, desk the possibility are endless at IKEA

  9. Edward Dekkers Reply

    The lighting is the most interesting for me, but when the wife is with me, it’s always a trolley full of random stuff she’s rushing out the door telling me to start the car….

  10. Elizabeth Jeong Reply

    I’d love a new chair! My current one is giving me mountains of problems for my posture and spine.

  11. kirsty harkness Reply

    a laundry over head cupboard, i saw it there last week and its perfect for my laundry…i need more storage at home

  12. Yunii Young Reply

    We are moving to a new house and need a new dining table along with the chairs! That would be awesome!

  13. amandagorton Reply

    A desk and chair for the study – theres nothing like some organised order in my place to clear my headspace

  14. I could most defiantly use at least one more Billy Bookcase for my library… So many books not enough bookcases!

  15. I’d use it towards a MALM bed frame. My best friend has been sleeping with her mattress on the floor since they moved house. Its driving me nuts! Even though she isnt phased! lol.

  16. Nicole Beveridge Reply

    Storage solutions – so for me probably some drawers and baskets for my expedits – I have them all over my house 🙂

  17. New storage shelves/bookcase for our daughters room. Also put it towards the kids play kitchen

  18. Cushions, my dream is to dive into a bed covered in cushions! Ikea has such a large range, I’d love to shop there!

  19. Rebecca Parkinson Reply

    A storage shelving system with the pull out tubd for my kids toys 🙂

  20. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    I need a set of toddler table and chairs for my little one very soon!

  21. Richelle Egan Reply

    I need a kitchen dresser to put my electrical appliances on to keep them safe from the children and free up bench space.

  22. Laura Elsegood Reply

    I need a new rug, some storage for the kids bedrooms and some of your famous meatballs.

  23. A new bedroom set
    for my 13yr old daughter as she is moving rooms

  24. Jane Somerville Reply

    We are building a Little Man Cave so some shelving to keep things neat!

  25. I’d love to get some storage cubes and keep things tidy at home.

  26. I’d love to buy a compact workstation/desk so my son can complete his homework in the comfort & privacy of his own room

  27. Fiona Rowlands Reply

    I’d love to get a bookshelf for my son’s Bedroom, it’s a big cluttered mess at the moment so a shelf would definitely help!!

  28. dolphincakes Reply

    I need some storage for my yarn. There’s a great storage trolley at Ikea that I’ve been drooling over for a while now.

  29. I would love to buy a new rug for my lounge room – my old IKEA one is getting tatty!

  30. A dining table – we don’t currently have one and are just making do.

  31. Sarah Travia Reply

    I would love a coffee table with drawers on the sides, can never have enough storage space. Especially with a three year old and a small apartment!

  32. Shannon Lucas Reply

    I would love storage for the toy room, so sick of toys living on the floor, in every room other than the designated toy room. Would be so nice to be able to have somewhere the throw them out of sight

  33. Robyn Wright Reply

    I would love to buy a little sofa bed to have in our spare room for when family/friends come to stay.

  34. Krysten Dunn Reply

    Id love to buy cube storage as its versitile and can be used as a TV cabinet or toy storage. I love ikea so anything would help me at home

  35. I would love to buy a new bookcase as my old one is overflowing and falling to pieces.

  36. I’d love to buy something like a little table or cubes to put in my entry way to display some more photos on. I also need another bookshelf!

  37. Margot Farquharson Reply

    I would buy some much needed drawers for my sons room. In the futile hope he will put his clothes away…..not use the floor as a wardrobe.

  38. blackwidow63 Reply

    I love to buy all different storage items that always come out

  39. Anna Ryan-Punch Reply

    Our house is already filled with bookshelves, so OBVIOUSLY I would buy…book shelves!

  40. Rebeccah Parry Reply

    I would buy a display cabinet that I can display the kids memory items in, where they cannot get to it and destroy the items (like kids do :-))

  41. Matt Harrison Reply

    the real question is what can’t I buy from ikea!? I’d put it towards some of their fancy LED lights

  42. Linda Bomber Brunning Reply

    I need, need, need oh alright I want,want new curtains for my boring beedroom

  43. Lauren Geier Reply

    We’re currently building and I have my eye on some of their bar stools!

  44. I’d love to purchase some storage for all the bits and bobs that get left around the house! Having lego in a box and not in my foot- priceless!

  45. A bed for my son’s birthday. He’s currently in a toddler bed.

  46. Need new storage items as the kids have grown older and need something more grown up and less baby looking

  47. Shivonne Alison Reply

    Need a new bed for my son as his cot is required for when we have a new baby 🙂

  48. A desk for my son. He’s now almost 8 and had outgrown his tiny kids IKEA table

  49. Rugs is what I need! To dress-up my all so boring tiled floors to have that nice, warm and cosy feeling I am really missing.

  50. Jessica Charles Reply

    A new kids table and chairs set. Our current one is falling apart and becoming dangerous to use.

  51. Kalina Batchelor Reply

    I love to buy stuff for the kids rooms to make fun and relaxing

  52. Marilyn Long Reply

    Some black storage boxes with labels for organising my storage cabinet

  53. I love the IKEA marketplace. All those cute gizmos and homewares! I’d love to go nuts!

  54. As they have all sorts of wonderful furniture and knick knacks to buy

  55. 78DaysofSummer Reply

    I would love to buy all things STORAGE from IKEA as our home we rent has very little to no storage, not even a linen cupboard, with one room not even having any at all.

  56. Adele Smith Reply

    Would love to update my study nook with some book shelves and a magnetic white board.

  57. I desperately need to buy 2 new single beds as the children I care for are currently sleeping on a sofabed

  58. We would love one of the gorgeous cots for our first bub due in January

  59. I would love one of the amazing kids storage systems they have for my son’s room.

  60. Gemma Gibbons Reply

    We are in desperate need of more shelving and bookcases! Would love to get stuff off the floor and out of boxes!

  61. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    What don’t I like to buy at “Ikea” I have bought so many items over the years, Couch, mattress, small items etc. Love everything.

  62. Michelle Groves Reply

    I would love to buy more shelving and photo frames to display my 4 year old daughter’s beautiful artwork

  63. I love anything that makes my life simpler and makes our house look tidy and organised.

  64. Kathie Winn Reply

    I would love some new cushions and throws for the lounge room.

  65. Vanessa Lampre Reply

    I would love to buy a shaggy rug for our tiled loungeroom floor

  66. Bev Stelzer Reply

    Hi, with xmas coming so fast & being on a pension now my budget has gone , having 11 grankids to buy for winning a gift card would be perfect & help so much, Tx Bev

  67. Milly Howells Reply

    I’d love to buy a set of ESBJÖRN chairs, they are divine!

  68. Heyley Marett Reply

    I would love to buy a cot for our baby when he/she arrives into the world 🙂

  69. I have always wanted to buy the Play kitchen, even before I got pregnant. It looks so good for a toy kitchen!

  70. Belinda Belinda Reply

    Definitely a baby chair! (or toddler – because they grow up so fast!)

  71. A bathroom bench seat for the kids and a new hanging shelf for the laundry and my husband broke my favorite Ikea mixing bowl so a replacement for that 🙂

  72. Julie Krieg Reply

    Storage for our new parent’s retreat when our kids get their own room!

  73. Bernice Santa Maria Reply

    I would love to buy a bed for my son as he is almost ready to move from the cot.

  74. More storage for the kids rooms & funky furniture since I am currently in the process of redecorating their rooms. 6 kids need plenty of storage

  75. Found IKEA to be a great place to find new ideas, at a great price, and easy to assemble. Right now we need new bookshelves for our little ones books as our current ones are cheap and falling apart, and because we need more space for books.

  76. Catherine Harris Reply

    I would love to get another Kallax storage unit for my sons toys

  77. Amanda Mouttet Reply

    I’d love to buy a hall table for us to put our bags and keys. Thank you

  78. Julie Hodsman Reply

    I would love a shelving unit that organises my kid’s kinder and daycare, and eventually school, bags and notes and everything else they take along. Currently they sit at the front door in a messy pile which makes for a very messy first impression.

  79. Cher Dooling Reply

    Dinning room chairs, to replace the wobbly ones that we currently using 🙂

  80. I love all the kitchen gadgets. I can never walk out of IKEA empty handed 🙂

  81. Aimee Tatham Reply

    My youngest is reaching the stage of cot to big boy bed. I’d love to get him a bed that eases my mind while having him excited about the big sleeping move 😀

  82. Marianne Douglas Reply

    I would love to be able to finish off the wardrobe in my bedroom as the floor-robe isn’t very attractive 😉

  83. Metod High Cabinet – Big cupboards for that ever elusive and much needed storage space!

  84. I would live tobuy a new bedroom suite bunk bed and desk for my daughter

  85. Lauren Francis Reply

    new oppland bedsides and draws from ikea to go with the new bed

  86. lorexstevex Reply

    We just got floorboards and would love some Ikea rugs to liven up the house.

  87. Claire Thrower Reply

    Would love a new kitchen but thats a little while off yet, would probably get a nice comfy chair for me to sit and relax in, IKEA has some beautiful arm chairs.

  88. Maria Stone Reply

    I’d love to deck out the whole house! Need a TV unit, coffee table, bed side tables and some funky chairs to go with my rustic dining table! 🙂 this gift card would definitely get me out of my pjs and into the store 🙂 thank you!

  89. Christina everett Reply

    Would love to purchase a new bed for both my children and this will really help.

  90. Josie Storey Reply

    Would love to purchase curtains and a bed for kids

  91. I’m currently sleeping on the lounge in my home, but I’d love a real bed. 🙁

  92. Krissy Butler Reply

    I need a great storage solution for my toddler’s room!

  93. Isabeau Jane Reply

    I would love to buy some shelving for my daughter’s room and my bathroom!

  94. Leicia Mathers Reply

    With grandkids at home now some toy boxes and storage would be good

  95. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    I would buy a desk light and storage boxes for spring cleaning. Thank you.

  96. Kaz Purtill-Wright Reply

    Well first off I would stock up on Istad plastic zip lock
    bags, I love those things and then I would put the rest towards some bathroom
    storage because we are lacking that in our house.

  97. Anita Black Reply

    I have never shopped at Ikea before so it would be exciting I think!

  98. Colleen Stewart Reply

    Boxes and hooks for hidden nooks
    Cushions to decorate the bed
    Some colour for my office…
    Think it will be red.

  99. Christina Vetell Reply

    A rug to stop the rug rats sliding up and down my newly polished floor boards in their very expensive school uniforms

  100. One room in my house doesn’t have built ins so I’ll a new wardrobe

  101. Sarah Homans Reply

    I would love some matching furniture for the kids. All their stuff is cobbled together.

  102. I want to get a new junior bed for my daughter, she’s growing like a weed

  103. desperately need some storage for the new bedroom for our children

  104. There are many things I’d love to buy from IKEA, including but not limited to a lounge for the theatre, display cabinets and shelving units as well and styling and decorating items for around the house!

  105. Wanting to get some cube storage units to sort my kids toys and have a play area in our little house

  106. I’d love to buy some new couch cushions to liven up our very dated couch.

  107. I’d buy the blue rug I’ve had my eye on for a while – it will replace my very grungy one.

  108. I really need to invest in a great quality family couch for us all to relax on. It would make life a lot cosier!

  109. Bronwyn Kelly Reply

    My house entry is so bare, I need an entry or hall table to make the space look alive

  110. Emma Markovski Reply

    I’d love some storage organisation for my linen press . It looks like a bomb went off there

  111. Belinda Baker Reply

    We desperately need new kitchen chairs definitely buy new ones

  112. Isobel Brown Reply

    I’d buy some cushions and throws to give my lounge room a bright new look.

  113. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a happy gift card by Mum Central. I would buy 2 beautiful desk light for my girls . Thank you.

  114. I would put the money towards a new couch, as ours is so old the bonded leather is peeling! 🙁

  115. Angela Hogan Reply

    I love the way they design so much storage in such small spaces

  116. A wardrobe for our sons bedroom – he needs to vacate his current room before the twins arrive.

  117. Anne-Marie Wingfield Reply

    I love to buy a new quilt cover for my bed and a large print and colourful cushions to liven up our lounge room.

  118. Emily Joanna Reply

    I would love the money to go towards buying an IKEA kids storage unit system. 🙂

  119. A funky and wild kids arty area. Table, chairs, containers and draws, easel and a big mirror they can paint themselves in.

  120. We currently have no chairs for our dining table, so that would be top of our (very long) list! It would be wonderful to be able to sit at the table like a normal family again!

  121. We are in the process of upgrading our little girls room from a toddler room to a big girls room & I would love to get her the bed of her dreams to start the process & it happens to be at Ikea!

  122. Would love to purchase a few RÅSKOG Trolley (with castors, turquoise) for storing my children’s arts and crafts materials (markers, crayons, glue, glitters, scissors, coloured papers, buttons, goggly eyes), laundry items (pegs, soap powder, brushes, detergent), cleaning items (bottles, chemicals, gloves, brushes) and items in our study room (documents, stationaries, cables, headphones, chargers).

  123. Nicole Williams Reply

    I would love to purchase some drawers for storage and could really use a new dining table

  124. Schona Murray Reply

    We would like to get our little one a matching Ikea bed to her sister’s

  125. sars_angelchik Reply

    I’d love to buy one of their shoe storage cupboards- they are awesome they hide all the shoes away near the front door and hold so many pairs!

  126. Andieharrie Reply

    IKEA is opening in the next suburb to me in 2016, hooray no more hour drive to buy my IKEA furniture, right now i need a new kitchen yep whole kitchen and i love the IKEA range

  127. I’d love to get another PAX wardrobe for our new walk in robe!

  128. Natalie Fitzgerald Reply

    I would love to decorate a bedroom / play area for my kids.

  129. I would love to reorganise the kids playroom with some fun storage solutions

  130. Kristy Winters Reply

    A new bed for my one year old she’s too big for her cot

  131. Elise Turpin Reply

    I have a list a mile long but would most like to do our sunroom which is a combined playroom and entry area 🙂

  132. Amanda Ramsdale Reply

    I’d love to start a play room for my 10 month old daughter.

  133. A new mattress..anxiety sets in when separating from something i’ve owned for over 10 years, but nothing really mattress more than a good nights sleep, and i could not be more ecstatic to finally get the old thing out of the door!

  134. Anything that doesn’t require a Rocket Science degree to assemble.

  135. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    I love IKEA furniture and ideas, I would buy 2 desk lights for my girls.Thank you.

  136. Rebecca Carson Reply

    I love IKEA! I’d buy a futon so I have somewhere for my friends to stay when they visit.

  137. Lauren Jordan Reply

    I’d love to buy a new dining table, something like the Hogsby, and matching chairs.

  138. My baby daughter has so many cute dresses but nowhere to hang them. To make it easier to choose her outfit for the day, I’d buy a pink Stuva storage wardrobe to hang them in.

  139. I have an enormous Ikea wishlist, but at the moment I’m saving to put in a new wardrobe system in my son’s room.

  140. Samira Bousalim Al-Ekhtiyar Reply

    They have everything at a reasnable price – And i need it all

  141. I would really love a bedside table & I have my eye on some lovely ones at Ikea.

  142. Zara Collis Reply

    a new bed for my son, his is a bunk that’s too difficult for him to make easily. He’d like that.

  143. Olivia Cammaroto Reply

    Mr 2.5 is on the hunt for a big boy bed, so that’s what will be be getting from IKEA.

  144. Joanna Hayward Reply

    We’re about to have our first bubba – so a nursery fit out is imminent, and Ikea have the best (and cheapest!) stuff for babies!

  145. Tables and chairs for my little girl to sit at and do activities on.

  146. janine gardiner Reply

    Some black mesh outdoor chairs to get ready for lovely summer, so we can sit on the verandah and relax.

  147. Roslyn Millett Reply

    Some storage – 8 year old twin boys, can never have enough storage!

  148. I have been looking at the kallax series of shelving for a while, so versatile and stylish!

  149. A rug for our loungeroom as our carpet is so stained. Would be fabulous

  150. Ally Miller Young Reply

    There’s so much that I’d like from IKEA, at the moment we are renovating our whole house & need heaps of stuff, kitchen storage is probably a good place to start.

  151. Julia Morton Reply

    (Julie m)I would love to buy a new bright 3 seater lounge,as I only have a 2 seater since moving and need to relax my legs out more,

  152. Robyn Du-Shane Reply

    Would love to put this towards wardrobe storage systems for our new home. Currently just hanging and would love to add some sliding baskets.

  153. Judith Whitehead Reply

    new kitchen table and chairs or storage shelves for my twin girls new bedroom

  154. Storage solutions PLEASE!! I’m desperate to sort out the mess my 4 kids and husband leave everywhere.

  155. Karen Edwards Reply

    my 2 year old is due to be moved from her cot to a big bed would love to get a bedroom set from Ikea

  156. kirsty irwin Reply

    There are so many things I need to get! Storage would be a major thing, needed in 3 rooms

  157. Fiona Loadsman Reply

    I need many new household items as getting a new house soon, bathroom accessories a must as getting more bathrooms!

  158. Juanita Thorn Reply

    I love the Kallax/Drona Shelving Unit…just what I need for my living room.

  159. Lizzie Midgley Reply

    I’m a big fan of storage. We are off to find soft toy storage today!

  160. Trish Leonard Reply

    I would love some two beach chairs for hubby and I, so we can relax outside when the weather warms up.

  161. Would love to get my son a brand new bed. The one he has is cheap and falling apart and as a single mum i can’t afford a new one

  162. Rachel amanatidis Reply

    Love the Manchester bright coloured towels and sheets are just awesome

  163. Rachelle D. Reply

    I would put this gift card towards buying some storage solutions for all the bits and bobs.

  164. Desperately need to set up my son’s bedroom, storage for his many toys would be great!

  165. arcticaudrey Reply

    A mirror for my lounge room, who needs a painting when you’ve got something as beautiful as your reflection to gaze at!

  166. Amanda Gaye Mulcahy Reply

    We need some expedit shelves to shore our ever growing book collection!

  167. Oh I would LOVE some storage boxes and some drawers for MR4 room !!

  168. I would love to spoil my two little girls with a bunk bed set for their bedroom!

  169. Cassandra Cox Reply

    Draws, desks, chairs, cushions. I think the better question would be what DON’T I want to buy>

  170. A dining table and chairs! I’ve never had a new one and mine have been handed down by family since the 60/70s. The table and chairs are all mismatched and ripped, drawn on, have duct tape on, and are falling apart. Although they’re better than having nothing, they’re not something I could have guests over with as I’d die of embarrassment and being a hermit sucks.

    Half the chairs also have the most painful metal legs in history. They look harmless, but as my 3 kids and I discovered through experience, accidentally kicking them or stubbing your toe while walking past will almost break your toes/foot and make you feel quite hateful towards the chair. Not enjoyable at all, especially when you’ve inherited clumsiness and passed it down too.

    It would be truly wonderful to have a beautiful new and matching set to use and also make the whole room look so much nicer. I’d get child practical ones that wouldn’t be easily ruined (not fabric chairs) so they too would hopefully last another 50/60 years and could one day be handed down like my current ones were to me, haha! Really would be an amazing dream come true, so thank you to all involved for this chance!

  171. Lisa Wogandt Reply

    Storage unit. Ikea has the best storage solutions and I need to stop drowning in my clutter and get organised!!!

  172. I would love to buy a bunkbed and a book shelf for my daughter’s bedroom.

  173. Lisa Frankel Reply

    Love to buy some more book shelves. I need to house my precious precious precious books

  174. domandlauren Reply

    My toddler is 2 and is nearly ready for a big bed!! (I’m not ready!!!!!!) This prize would be a great help towards buying him one!

  175. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    I’d put it towards an outdoor setting which we desperately need!

  176. My eyes are on a everything in Ikea but I would love to put this towards a tv cabinet for the whole family.
    Fingers & toes are crossed to win this prize!

  177. Susan Banyard Reply

    Lots of kitchen gadgets that I would love to have as well as a lamp

  178. disqus_Yr8j2w4cvx Reply

    Oh I would love to get some bathroom essentials it is the most embarrassing room in my very small house many cracks in the old mouldy shower scquilityreen and the base that leaks so ……. no more needs to be said and the sink cabinet OMG…… I would IKEA’s help their products are very high quality 🙂

  179. humptydumpedme Reply

    I would love to get heaps of kids stuff for my grandsons when they visit

  180. James Pizzey Reply

    childrens furniture my grand-daughters will be needing it when they move from the UK to Australia

  181. love to deck out kids rooms with cool storage & decoration stuff

  182. Lucy Fracassi Robins Reply

    I have an addiction to kitchen items, so I see cooking utensils, maybe some new glasses, oh and candles!

  183. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    I would love to buy the IKEA PS 2014 Bureau as we live in a small villa and would use this bureau as a computer table saving us a lot of space in the living room.

  184. Justine Hordyk Reply

    Would love storage for the kids room and a kitchen table tired of eating on the lounge

  185. jane whelan Reply

    Congrats to the other lucky winners, thank you Mum Central

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