TV Star Shares Bikini Trouble After Baby (and We Love it!)


. She’s a former reality TV star. So Ali Fedotowsky knows a thing or two about flaunting what you’ve got in front of the camera.

But recently the celebrity mum opted to give her fans a dose of real life. Wearing a big smile and a small bikini, she showcases her post-baby body and encourages other mums to embrace those baby curves.

Like many model mums, Ali found herself wedged back into the spotlight soon after giving birth to her second baby, Riley, at the end of May 2018.

As Ali shared shots of her looking perfectly polished on her Instagram page, many of her supporters commented on how great the new mum is looking. And how quickly she’s “bounced back” after giving birth.

Ali Fedotowsky post-baby body

Armed with nothing but a bikini, Ali set out to prove to her readers that clothing, certain poses and strategically placed sarongs can do wonders to hide the truth.

And she’s tired of hiding.

‘Don’t believe what you see on Instagram’ 

Ali, who found fame on the US version of The Bachelorette, shared a selection of images of her post-baby body, letting her curves and wobbly bits do the talking. We love how she’s able to laugh at the loose skin. What a happy, healthy mummy!

Ali Fedotowsky post-baby body

“I want you all to see me as I really am, and to know that I’m not perfect. I struggle with my postpartum body just like many other women out there do,” Ali writes on her blog.

I definitely have a pouch of belly fat that wasn’t there before I got pregnant with Riley and the skin around my stomach is extremely loose. I can grab a fistful of it with my hand and stretch it out. It’s the weirdest thing! Sometimes I wonder if it will ever go back to normal. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. Either way, I’m learning to be kinder to myself every day.”

Ali Fedotowsky post-baby bikini body

Preach, Ali! Here’s what else the mum-of-two had to say about babies and post-baby bodies.

Everybody is different. I bounced back pretty quickly after I gave birth to [two-year-old daughter] Molly. But things are different this time and I’m OK with that. I’m learning to love my body and embrace how it’s changed. I hope I get back to my pre-pregnancy shape one day, but that may never happen. And if it doesn’t, that’s OK.”

Her message is refreshing to say the least – especially in our Instagram filtered world – and we can all learn from Ali. Don’t be the mum who hates her body. Be the mum who can casually grab her loose skin, hold her head high and let out a laugh. And possibly a little bit of pee in the process.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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