
Look At Me Now! Premature Baby’s Amazing Transformation


Born at 23 weeks gestation and weighing just 730 grams at birth – that’s less than a family-sized tin of Milo – little Markcus Cropper started his life in a plastic bag. 

But look at him now!

In five short months, baby Markcus has gone from 730 grams to 5.43 kg, impressing the pants off everyone, especially his mum!

amazing premature baby now and then

Markcus’ proud mum, Christina Hahn, has shared a series of amazing images of her little man, who was so small at birth that he had to be transported to an incubator in a plastic bag.

Although Christina admits that the journey has been scary, she is also more than proud of her son and his incredible transformation.

premature baby transformation 23 weeks

‘Some people never get to meet their heroes, I gave birth to mine.’

No mum expects to give birth in their second trimester. But it does happen. When Christina started to go into labour at 23 weeks, she was initially told to go home. However, when it became clear that bub wasn’t going to wait, Christina was admitted to a hospital in Virginia, USA, to greet her little man a little earlier than expected.

Christina and her partner, Markcus Sr, were warned that little Markcus migbt not survive.

But survive he did. And thrive!

premature baby markcus newborn

mum central

After multiple steroid injections and 81 days in the NICU, Markcus headed home at 35 weeks gestation. Although many babies born this early are faced with health concerns down the road, Markcus is healthy, apart from a potential hearing problem in his right ear.

Christina Hahn and Marckus Cropper bring home their son who was born premature at 23 weeks

He is now nearly six months old and continues to surprise his proud mum every day.

“This child of mine is SO AMAZING!,” Christina writes in an Instagram post. “From 1 lb 10.1 oz 13.78 inches to 11 lb 15.6oz 22 inches long in 5 and a half months! He’s getting so big. He truly amazes me every day.”

premature baby at five months

Sweet, smiling and squishy as can be, this little man has certainly come a long way!

Get the facts on premature births. Have a read of what it’s really like when you have a premmie baby.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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