
Real Life New Years Resolutions


Are you a new year’s resolution maker?

I am. I’m also a new year’s resolution breaker. So this year my new year’s resolution is to actually stick to my new year’s resolution which, this year, is quite simple.

Feed my soul.

As a mum, my attentions have been firmly and rightly directed to my young sons. Now that they are older and both at school I’m turning some of those attentions back to me. Every week, I’m going to do something that feeds my soul. That’s it. SURELY, I’ll be able to keep that??

We know you’ve thought about what you’d like to do this year. We know ’cause you told us and you told ’cause we asked 🙂

Lots of you are expecting new babies this year and for many of you, it will be your first child. How exciting! Do you have your hospital bag packed yet? Print this baby off and you’re all set:

The Ultimate “Must Have” List to Pack Into Your Hospital Bag

For those of you who are hoping to be pregnant this year, check out these great posts on fertility.

A Basic Fertility Food Guide

Fertility and Planning for Your Baby

We’re looking forward to continuing to provide you with great resources to help you in your early years, and don’t forget to connect with our real mums in our forums and on our Facebook page… after all, mother’s groups may soon become a thing of the past

Not surprisingly, many of you have resolved to lose weight this year. SO many!! One resolution that stood out was this one:

“Learn to love the changes my beautiful daughter made to my body. Look after myself better to become a healthier me” – Donna

Good one Donna, we’re all about promoting good health, energy and positive body image. Here’s a couple of links that may get you on the right track…

The Shape of a Mother – Body Image Movement

How to Create More Energy in Your Life

And lots of you have decided to just be good to ‘you’.

“Don’t make new year’s resolutions as I never keep them! Instead I have life goals. This year I am going to do more things for myself minus kids and hubby. I need a better life balance” – Sarah

“To refuse to be a “door mat” for people anymore” – Jessica

“To find myself again after finally having the courage to walk away from a violent, abusive relationship. I know once I do this everything else will fall into place” – Jaz

“To get my mental health stable so I can stop hurting the people I love” – Sally

“Not make excuses, I’m going to own my decisions and choices and not feel bad about it” – Nikki

“Be myself” – Phillipa

We’ve got a whole section dedicated to ‘me time’ so if you’re ever looking for support and inspiration – that’s where you need to head.

Lastly, our favourite New Year’s Resolution came from one of our male readers.

‘Rule the World’ – Ross

High five Ross.


We're passionate about connecting mums of all ages across our online network. From parenting articles to educational stories, recipes, giveaways and more, don't be shy, you're all welcome! We are also on the lookout for regular contributors or readers wishing to share their real life stories so contact us today!

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