Warm these meatballs and store them in a thermos for the kids to enjoy a warm lunch on a school day. They freeze really well too!
Makes 30 | Prep time: 10 mins | Cooking time: 15 mins
500g good quality sausages, ensure they’re preservative free
2 cups vegetables, I used a mix of carrot, celery and kale
1 small onion diced
1/2 bunch basil, woody stalk removed
400g tin tomato or passata
2 tbsp Italian herbs
2 tbsp tomato paste
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup water
Method of preparation:
Step 1: Place a large frying pan over a medium heat and pull the sausage meat out of the casing and roll in to meatballs. Then place in to the pan and brown.
Step 2: Meanwhile, blend all the other ingredients until a thick sauce is formed, this will take a few minutes.
Step 3: Cover the browned meatballs with the sauce and allow it to cook for 15 minutes or until they meatballs are cooked through.
To store:
As long as your sausages are fresh, these store great in the freezer for a month, or in the fridge for a few days. You can even make this one in to a meal by adding some extra water to form a soup or a few spoonful’s of pasta.
A Healthy Mum Nutritional Tip:
Where you can, add extra vegetables to the kids foods. This recipe blends the vegetables and adds it’s sweetness through the use of balsamic vinegar rather than a store bought version that uses sugars and preservatives to achieve flavour.