Are your kids itching for some independence but you’re just not quite ready to give them (and yourself) the responsibility of a smartphone yet? Well rest up mummas, we’ve got the PERFECT solution. Meet the Moochies Odyssey … it’s the ultimate smartphone watch for kids!
Plus, we’re looking for families to trial their very own Moochies Odyssey Smartwatch for FREE and tell us what they think!
If your gut is telling you your kid isn’t ready for a mobile phone, you’re likely right. It’s a LOT of responsibility for young kids (and parents too). We at Mum Central think a Moochies smartwatch offers the perfect combination of safety, security and peace of mind for parents of kids 5 to 12 years.Â

Love the smartwatch concept and want to try Moochies Odyssey yourself for FREE? Of course, you do! We’re looking for 10 families to kid-test their very own Moochies smartwatch and send us a VIDEO REVIEW, telling us what they think. There’s a pretty cool thank-you gift for your efforts too! Keen? Run to the application form below!
Moochies Odyssey is the ultimate kids’ phone watch
Keeping kids connected with their parents and caregivers without the noise of a mobile phone and access to the internet, Moochies Odyssey, the premium model from a brand new smartwatch range, offers the latest technology in the kids’ smartwatch market. All the technology a kid needs together with a range of straps for personalisation. That’s right, kids can totally customise their smartwatch look too!

Parents are in control from the get-go
It’s not unusual for kids to want to hang out with friends at the park, walk to footy training from school or stay at a friend’s house. But giving them that level of independence as kids grow up is kind of hard on mum and dad. More and more parents are wanting to give their kids the security of a mobile phone but at the same time are super worried about handing kids access to age-inappropriate online content, social media and of course, cyberbullying.
Both your device and the free MyMoochies app give parents complete visibility and control over functions and apps. There’s no open internet and you have control over friends’ contacts and permissions. Plus there are activity alerts and GPS tracking built-in, so you can see where your child is at be it school, the park, a mate’s house or walking home from school.
The geofencing capabilities automatically send a notification to parents when their child leaves a certain area and with GPS tracking, parents can find their child’s location through the free app.

Say hello with a HD video call!
In addition to voice calls, video calling is super easy for kids on the Moochies Odyssey too. The 5.0PMP front-facing camera and premium 1.78″ OLED screen, enable quality HD video calling between the watch wearer and their friends and family!

But wait, there’s more!
It’s not just video and voice calling that makes your Moochies Odyssey top of the smartwatch game, it’s just the tip of the iceberg! There are games and functions galore too!
Your Moochies Odyssey smartwatch is also:
- Waterproof up to 1 metre for 30 minutes
- Encourages kids to be active with its advanced health and fitness tracking.
- A step counter and heart rate monitor
- The built-in temperature sensor will notify parents if there’s a rise in temperature, so you’ll be the first to know (and can text your child to take their jumper off while running around outside!).

Get your Moochies Odyssey TODAY
Priced at $249, these smartwatches run on the 4G network and have a built-in SIM card. Sound like the perfect solution for your family to keep in contact with the kids on and off the playground? What are you waiting for, find out more below!
Wear and review Moochies Odyssey Smartwatch for FREE!
We want to share the awesomeness of these smartwatches by providing 10 families with their own Moochies Odyssey Smartwatch (RRP $249) to try for two weeks PLUS a month-long SIM plan to use during your trial. Video call all your relatives far and wide, see if you can set a personal record on the step counter and try out ALL the cool features. We want you to love this gadget as much as we do!
Our review project is very straightforward in 4 simple steps:
- LIFESTYLE PICS: We’ll need you to take at least 6 lifestyle pics of you using your Odyssey SmartWatch during that time (or what you did with it),
- VIDEO REVIEW: Grab your phone and record a video answering the 6 or so questions we send you. Don’t worry though, we want a natural, relaxed experience – after all, we just want to hear what you thought!
- OPINION SURVEY: We will then send you an online survey to complete to find out what you thought in detail, together with any quotes or further information you want to share with us about your experience.
- SHARE THE RESULTS: We’ll get you to share the results of the review to your strongest social channel to help spread the word.
FINALLY – A THANK YOU GIFT: Once this has all been done we’ll send you a special THANK YOU GIFT that you can spend (on yourself!) PLUS a 3-month SIM plan for your Moochies Odyssey smartwatch to say thanks! 😉
Sound like fun? If so, crack on to filling out the form below and get your application in pronto!
This device does seem pretty cool, can’t wait to test it out.
Great idea, but an absolute headache to set up. Even phone numbers can’t be entered correctly, pairing is a hassle, no in hand instructions even provided with purchase. Save yourself the headache and wait for something better!