Why are mums going crazy over onesies? Possibly because they’re incredibly inexpensive and, oh yeah, they’re in limited edition prints too!
Aldi shoppers lined up before the store opened, waiting to get their hands on limited edition prints of Bonds Wondersuits. With a regular retail price of $24.95, ALDI had these suits on sale for only $11.99 which had mums flocking to their local store looking to buy up as many as they could at once.
With special limited edition prints, the suits were already very much in demand. Add to that more than a 50% saving on RRP, and you have a recipe for a riot. Well, maybe not a riot, but plenty of mums were grabbing armfuls (and trolleys) of the suits. Known to collectors as “unicorns,” the limited edition suits are rare and very much in demand and are now starting to turn up on eBay with a $200 starting price!

So how in-demand are these Wondersuits?
With the high after-sale price that these suits can fetch on sites like eBay, it’s no wonder that mums (and shoppers looking to make back their money and much, much more) were lining up for something that appeared to others to be simple baby clothes.
Parents who missed out on the super-sized sale took to Facebook, voicing their disappointment. When some mums reported getting to the store only to find that a handful of shoppers had bought all of the stock, they felt left out and wanted answers as to why there weren’t enough suits to go around. One mum posted to ALDI’s Facebook page, “Hi ALDI can you put a limit on bonds suits the behaviour at your Moryfield store today was terrible. Why did people have over 15 suits in trolleys.” Another mum added to this post, commenting, “Behaviour at ALL stores was disgusting and I emailed two complaints and just got the exact same generic reply.” A spokesperson from ALDI told the Daily Mail, “We recommend visiting ALDI as early as possible when the new Special Buys go on sale, as these products are available only while stock lasts.”

It seems that resale was on the minds of the few who were there early enough to nab the suits. One Facebook user noted, “One lady purchased 20 suits and is now reselling them on buy and sell pages for $20.” In a reply to this comment, another mum said, “I went to Carrum downs and the lady told me they were pretty much all sold to the one person.”
One mum wrote that after speaking to a store employee, the manager went to find the woman who had loaded up her trolley with all of the store’s Wondersuits and asked her to put back a few. Although the manager was unable to locate the woman, it’s the effort that counts, right?
Yes, the suit-hoarding behaviour put plenty of mums off. But, not everyone was disappointed. One mum wrote on Facebook, “At my local all the mums were fantastic and the store had a 7 limit and I was glad to say there was still suits there on Thursday.”
So is there a lesson in all of this? Well, yes. Special Buys are limited sales and once stock’s gone, it’s gone so don’t delay and be sure to get on down to your local store on the day the sale’s released to increase your chances of nabbing a bargain buy!