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Sesame Street just dropped a Stranger Things parody and it’s HILARIOUS


If you zoomed through season two of Stranger Things at a speed akin to Billy’s blue Camaro, you’re probably in mourning as you wait for news of a third season.

Luckily, Sesame Street has just brought us some relief in their latest (and maybe greatest?) kiddo-friendly parody. And it ticks all the right boxes.

In “Sharing Things”, the “cookiegorgon” (AKA Cookie Monster with demogorgon-esque neck flaps) finds himself in the unfortunate position of having eaten all the cookies in the “Snackside Down”.

Welcome to Snackside Down

Set on Halloween night (who can forget how that went down on the real show?!), the parody features all of our favourites. From Mike and his mates decked in their Ghostbusters garb, to “Hoppy” the rabbit investigating a rotten pumpkin patch, to an adorable baby cookiegorgon named “Dirt” who grows at an alarming rate, Sesame Street leaves no stone unturned in their charming adaption of the popular sci-fi series.

Highlights include an endearing octopus in the sky trying to share his candy, Will vomming up a little gummy worm, and a Winona Ryder impression so on point, you can almost close your eyes and hear Joyce crying “Bob! Bob! The big kid ate all the candy!” Honestly, there are so many Stranger Things Easter eggs in there, you need to see it for yourself.

And for those crying “What about Barb?!” you’ll be happy to know that everybody’s favourite red-haired underdog appears too, with a much less cruel fate than her Stranger Things counterpart. Though still lost in the Snackside Down, she is alive and well, though a little confused.

sesame street parody sharing things

Noticeably absent, though, is fan favourite Steve. They could have done something epic with that hair… missed opportunity, Sesame Street!

Happily, the cookiegorgon learns his lesson in sharing, courtesy of Eleven (literally a number 11) at the end.

More Sesame Street parody love

This isn’t the first time that the place where the air is sweet has struck kiddo-friendly parody gold.

The Hungry Games

In The Hungry Games – Catching Fur, Cookieness Ever-Eat and her gang (including a pita bread called Peeta. Because of course) learn about patterns in a bid to win the games. With quotes like “May the cookies be ever in your flavour!” and “Being strong heroine of entire franchise hard work!”, this parody probably delights Hunger Games fans even more than it does their kids.

Furry Potter and the Goblet of Cookies

In Furry Potter and the Goblet of Cookies, Professor Grumblemore helps Furry Potter win the goblet of cookies by challenging him to numerous cookie sorting tasks.

The Walking Gingerbread

And in The Walking Gingerbread, a gang of zombie-esque gingerbread people learn a thing or two about self control. Veeeery important when it comes to cookies!

Game of Chairs

But our absolute favourite? It has to be this Sesame Street take of Game of Thrones. Called Game of Chairs, Grover stars as Bluejoy and takes on Joffrey in a way that’ll have parents spluttering into their mid-afternoon cuppa.

It’s common now for kids’ shows and movies to throw in little treats for the dutiful parents watching with their offspring – remember that time Sia showed her face on Sesame Street?. And this is awesome. Because we all need another reason to put our feet up and enjoy a bit of humour that goes straight over our kids’ heads. It’s like a sneaky parent secret.

The question is, which show will Sesame Street target next? The Bachelor? This is Us? Gilmore Girls? Ooo… Prison Break?

No matter what it will be, we can’t wait! Til then, take another look at our article about this hilarious babysitting version of The Bachelor.


Klara is a Perth Mum Blogger with a background in finance and admin. When she's not typing up a storm, she is running around after her two beautiful kids, buying too many recipe magazines, wrangling her crazy dogs, cooking eggs on toast and calling her husband every 15 minutes to ask when he thinks he will be coming home from work.

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