
Teenage Lifeguard Helps Deliver Baby at Public Swimming Pool

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Talk about an unexpected water birth! A mum in Colorado surprised everyone, especially herself and the lifeguard on duty, when she gave birth on the edge of a public swimming pool.

A heavily pregnant Tessa Rider and her partner, Matthew Jones, hit up their local YMCA public swimming pool on July 24th. Tessa was hoping that a quick dip in the pool would help to relieve some of her pesky pregnancy nerve pain.

Floating to crowning in just a few minutes 

While Tessa floated on a pool noodle, she started to feel like she may be going into labour. Tessa already had two daughters so she has been through the labour motions before.

She tried to make her way out of the pool but the pain became so intense so quickly that all she could manage to do was crawl on all fours.

The lifeguard on duty on that particular Sunday was 18-year-old Natalie Lucas. She noticed the heavily pregnant woman crawling out of the pool looking like she was in pretty intense pain.

lifeguard helps deliver baby at pool
18-year-old Natalie sprung to action when she noticed Tessa in labour. Source: YMCA

Natalie rushed over to see if Tessa needed any help. Tessa informed the young lifeguard that she wasn’t going to make it to the hospital. Her baby was coming right then and there.

Place of birth: Public swimming pool

Natalie sprung into action, grabbing her emergency medical bags and towels and asking someone to dial emergency services. She stayed with the mother and father, helping to support Tessa through the contractions.

Incredibly, within just a few minutes, Tessa felt the need to push. Her partner, Matthew attempted to dial 911 but tossed his phone to the side when he realised the baby wasn’t going to wait for the paramedics to arrive.

Tessa tore off her bathing suit and out came their baby boy.

On the edge of the public swimming pool.

With 18-year-old Natalie by their side and a dozen or so swimmers looking onward.

It all happened so fast – Tessa and Matthew arrived at the pool around 10:30am and baby Tobin, or Toby for short, was born around 11:00am.

Matthew immediately sprung into action to make sure his son was okay while Natalie got on the phone with emergency services and continued to support Tessa.

There’s a funny picture of me sitting back-to-back with her so she could put her weight on me to support her and give her some relaxation and calm,” the 18-year-old said. “I was trying to help in any way I could.”

In perfect health

An ambulance arrived shortly after and paramedics cut the baby’s umbilical cord before whisking mother and baby to hospital, where they were declared in perfect health.

lifeguard delivers baby Toby at public swimming pool
Talk about making an entrance! Source: YMCA Northern Colorado Facebook

Toby met his two big sisters, Lila and Abigail and Natalie proudly added “poolside birth support person” to her resume.

Natalie has spoken about the unexpected birth, explaining that, although she’s never quite done anything like that before, she knows the experience will make her a better lifeguard.

 Most days are sitting around and watching people but there are some days that you do have to be prepared.”

Tessa and Matthew have also reached out to thank the young lifeguard,

I would not have traded Natalie for anybody in that situation. I’m just so thankful that she was a part of that, and that she supported us the way that she did,” Tessa said.

 There is nothing more personal and more heartwarming than someone supporting you while you bring a new person into the world,” proud dad, Matthew added.

The couple has also shared photos and videos of little Toby with Natalie, and Natalie has promised to send birthday cards to the little guy every year. Naaww! What a great story to share with everyone on Toby’s 18th birthday!

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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