
Tom Hanks Crashes This Lucky Couple’s Wedding Photo Shoot and Look What Happened


Imagine it’s your wedding day and you’re capturing a few magical moments in the park. And then, from out of nowhere, Tom Hanks jogs by!

Wedding photographer Meg Miller was snapping a few special day pics of couple Elizabeth and Ryan in Central Park. As the bride and groom smiled for the photos, celeb Tom Hanks jogged by. Not only did Hanks jog by the couple, but he stopped to wish them well.

Miller caught the entire interaction in her photos, sharing many of them on her Instagram page. Of the wedding, she posted, “The icing on the cake was @tomhanks stopping in Central Park to wish them congratulations.”

This is one Tom Hanks wedding photo you’ll never forget!

Keep in mind, the couple had never met Hanks before. It’s not like these were a pair of celebrities who had known Hanks for years. These are regular people (like you and me), who were lucky enough to get a special visit on their big day. Miller told the Daily News, “He just walked up to us and took off his hat and glasses and said, ‘Hi, I’m Tom Hanks’.” The couple reportedly invited the movie star to their wedding. But, Hanks politely declined.

Not only did Miller post the pics, but Hanks himself tweeted out one of the shots (with the post, “Elizabeth and Ryan! Congrats and blessings! Hanx). Imagine—a celeb tweeting out a pic of you. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

This isn’t the first time that Hanks has crashed a wedding photo. In 1993 the actor was filming Forrest Gump in Beaufort, South Carolina. When local bride Mary Dunning Chapman was walking into her wedding at the Carteret Street United Methodist Church she and her bridesmaids ran into Hanks. Okay, so maybe they didn’t exactly run into Hanks. It was more like he drove by, saw the bride, jumped out of the car and ran up to Dunning Chapman to wish her well.

While this was in the pre-Twitter, pre-Instagram days, the bride had to settle for an autographed picture (yes, an actual paper photo that was made from real film) of herself with Hanks!

Bet that’d make your day!


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

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