
GRAPHIC: Watch As This Mum Delivers a Vaginal Breech Birth – Amazing!


You know what happens during delivery, right? Maybe you’re not exactly a first-time mum, and you’ve pushed a baby (or two, or more) out yourself. 

The nurse positioned a mirror, and you watched as your baby emerged – head first. But, what happens during a vaginal breech birth?

Chances are, whether you’ve seen your own birth or watched a video clip of the magical moment, that you haven’t seen a baby being delivered bum-first. Get ready to change all that. Warning, these photos are graphic (in a totally educational way).

When mum, Raychel, was planning for her fourth baby’s birth (a boy named Silas) she had decided on a home delivery. Only days before she was due, Raychel found out her baby was Frank breech (his feet were near his face). After careful consideration, she decided to stick to her decision and give birth at home. Please note, this isn’t advisable in every case. But, Raychel had a team of skilled midwives who were very experienced in breech birth.

Even though her three previous births had been quick, this one was a longer labour. At one point her midwives considered driving the mum to the nearest hospital for an ultrasound. As the midwives called the doctor, Raychel had a quick talk with her soon-to-be-born son. She writes on the Happy Place Birthing blog, “I started quietly, but firmly telling Silas that we were going to have to go to the hospital if he didn’t come RIGHT NOW and to please, please, please come down and out.”

Apparently, mum’s coaxing worked. She went from 5cm to 10cm within 10 minutes. The not-so-usual birth story was documented on film by Karyn Loftesness Photography. The photographer, based out of Vancouver, Washington, captured the breech birth moment by moment.

Showing the world the fascinating facts of this type of delivery, watch below as you see the baby born in just two minutes and twenty-eight seconds (2:28).

Instead of the head crowning, this photo captures the baby’s bum and scrotum crowning.

Breech birth
Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

As Silas’s bum starts coming out of mum, the midwife has to block the baby’s urine from spraying her.

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

The delivery progresses and the baby’s bum is out. His legs are just starting to emerge. As he comes out he begins to pull is legs out, one leg at a time and you can start to see the nice, fat umbilical cord.

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

His skin looks a bit purple; this is normal for ALL babies, not just breech ones!  He quickly pulls one food out…

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography
Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

And quickly both legs are out!

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

Silas then starts pulling his arms out.

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography
Breech Birth
Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

After both arms are out, the umbilical cord is now mostly visible – and so is the bottom part of the baby’s face.

Breech Birth
Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

And, the midwife catches baby Silas!

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

It’s Silas himself who pulled himself out. The midwife didn’t force him out at all.

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

The happy family rejoices over the birth of their healthy baby boy!

Image source: Karyn Loftesness Photography

Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.

1 Comment

  1. Robyn Smithwick Reply

    Excellent outcome and the photos are graphic but really good .This breech delivery was fairly smooth sailing . Not all are as uncomplicated as this one

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