
Was this Wheel of Fortune Contestant Cheated out of $40K?


Do you think she got it right? Wheel of Fortune fans are pretty adamant she did! The whole puzzling situation has left many fans seeing red over this “pink orchid”. 

In a January 30 episode, contestant Megan made it to the bonus round and was giving the category “Living Thing”. The puzzle appeared with two words.

She got the traditional R, S, T, L, N, and E and then guessed C, P, D and A, leaving her with “P_N_  _RC_ _ D.”

The first guess Megan gives sounds a lot like Pink Orchid but nothing happened when she said it so she continued to try. She then guessed Pony Orchid before running out of time. 

Wheel of Fortune blunder - Pink Orchid
Source: YouTube

Did she say Pink? 

Fans claim that Megan did, in fact, say Pink Orchid as her first guess. But it would appear that she actually said “something” or even “somethink”, which does sound like Pink. 

If Megan DID say “Pink Orchid”, she would have won a whooping $40k, as host Pat Sajak reveals when he opens the envelope. 

But here’s the thing. When Megan does hear the correct answer, she doesn’t seem to acknowledge that she already guessed that.

Pink Orchid Wheel of Fortune
Source: YouTube

Instead, she sounds surprised as she says the word “Pink”. She gives that, “Oh, I should have known that” laugh rather than a “Wait a minute, I said that!” comment. 

There’s no trace of anger or confusion as to why she didn’t win, which would kind of imply she didn’t say Pink at all. 

“You might have been overthinking a type of orchid,” host Pat Sajak told her after the buzzer sounded and the missing letters were revealed. “I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you.”

You owe her money!

But fans don’t seem to agree and have taken to X to share their confusion. Here are a few of the comments circulating. 

“Hey @WheelofFortune I definitely heard the contestant say ‘pink orchid’ at the beginning of that final puzzle & rewound it to make sure. You owe her some $$$.”

“Honestly, it feels like this woman got robbed out of her bonus prize tonight on #WheelofFortune. Can you guys help me get #PinkOrchid trending? That was the actual answer to the puzzle & a bunch of us legitimately heard her say that right when the clock started.”

“The woman got screwed on #WheelOfFortune bonus puzzle tonight, she totally said ‘PINK ORCHID’ right at the start.”

Of course, some fans agreed with Wheel of Fortune’s decision to not award Megan the money. 

“She said ‘something orchid’ as in she knew orchid but didn’t know the first word. She then said pony orchid lol she clearly was thinking it was a type of orchid and not a colour. She didn’t even get mad when he said the answer. She definitely didn’t say pink.”

mum central

Check out the video below to see what you think. Fans claim she said Pink Orchid at the start, around the 6-second mark. 


Our verdict: 

I have to agree with Wheel of Fortune here and say that she didn’t say Pink, but rather “something”. What do you think? 

And the truth? 

Yesterday Megan appeared on Good Morning America to clear up this Pink Orchid debacle once and for all. 

Here’s what she said. 

“You know, I wish I said pink, because I would have been $40,000 richer,” she said. “But I said ‘something.'”

And there you have it! While she did miss out on the $40,000, Megan walked away with $14,007 and a trip to Aruba on the show. Wonder if she’ll use any of the cash to buy herself a pink orchid? 

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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