Competitions - Closed

Win a Copy of the Hilarious New Release Sex Tape


Hollywood Superstars Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel reunite as a married couple in the hilarious, new comedy Sex Tape.  It’ll have you in stitches, and trust us when we say most of you will totally relate to their Sex Life dilemma post kids!

When Jay and Annie first got together their romantic connection was intense, but ten year and two kids later the passion has cooled. To reignite the desire they once had for each other, the suburban spouses decide to make a video of themselves recreating every position featured in The Joy of Sex, in one three-hour marathon session. What seemed like a great idea soon turns south as thier DIY sex tape suddenly finds itself in the hands of family, friends, colleagues and even the postman.

An edgy comedy that proves it’s just as important to keep the flame alive outside the bedroom as inside, take home your copy of Sex Tape on Blu-rayâ„¢, DVD & Digital with UltraVioletâ„¢ from November 27, 2014

Here’s your chance to Win 1 of 5 Sex Tape DVDs

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Sex Tape DVD Giveaway


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  1. Michelle Green Reply

    Love to watch this with my husband. Never got to the cinema to see it so it would be awesome to cuddle up on the lounge and watch it.

  2. Jennifer Robertson Reply

    Watching it with my best friend would be a lot of fun, especially the part where we compare our husbands with the on-screen action.

  3. Nicole Woods Reply

    I’d watch it with some friends from work as part of a movie night.

  4. Judith Senese Reply

    Any of my friends, otherwise there is no better way to watch a movie, than at night, after the children are in bed and I get to relax.

  5. Katrina Phillips Reply

    It would be weird if I didn’t watch it with the hubster!

  6. With my mum! She’s not very good with technology and doesn’t understand it much so i think it’s a movie she should see Lol

  7. Tina Clausen Reply

    A man I’ve been dating for the last 18 months after being single for the previous 8 years :-).

  8. Julia Morton Reply

    my partner as we love a good snuggle on the lounge and he loves Cameron diaz

  9. Sharon Markwell Reply

    My husband would loath it, but my girlfriends & I will love it.

  10. Dianne Childs Reply

    My husband, because spice is nice and laughs are even better!

  11. Berrenson Thai Reply

    just by myself, im a single woman who likes watching movies 🙂

  12. Kerry Green Reply

    There is only my son and I so I think I’d better watch it by myself.

  13. My best friend, we seem to find things even more funny when we watch comedy movies together 😀

  14. Fiona Rowlands Reply

    I saw it at the cinema with friends, but I’d love for my hubby to see it, so funny!!!

  15. Julia Mason Reply

    I would love to see it again with Hubby, cause it was so funny!!

  16. Mark Fraser Reply

    My wife. After 23 years of marriage, maybe we should make one too. But I’m not stupid enough to record it on an iPhone!!

  17. Laura Scriven Reply

    My man so we know the signs,
    That way will will be able to keep that part of life divine!

  18. Dawn Taylor Reply

    My husband. I’ve already answered this, but I must have done something wrong because it’s making me do it again before it will let me do my daily entry

  19. Nancy Mackenzie Reply

    On our next kids free date night I’d like to watch this with my hubby – should make for a good laugh!!!

  20. I’ll say my husband but I think it would be hilarious to watch it with Ellen DeGeneres – I can only imagine the comments she would come up with throughout the movie!!!

  21. My girlfriends from work,after a full on year a laugh or two would be great and to watch something not G rated WOW.

  22. Carly Grace Smith Reply

    My hubby for sure, we’d both laugh ’til we’re sore! We love a good comedy movie, and this one looks totally groovy!

  23. Rachel Kriss-Newell Reply

    My girlfriends – a lot of us have had some tough times throughout this year and it would be great to get together and enjoy some laughs together. We are in need of some humour in our lives and the ability to just let go and be ourselves and forget for a while.

  24. Cheryl Moulton Reply

    I will probably see this with my best friend, my daughter Narelle Rae

  25. My husband, I think that we would both really enjoy this movie immensely.

  26. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    Cameron Diaz moves are always a real laugh, this will be no exception. I love seeing all her movies.

  27. Definitely my husband, married for 24 years, sounds like we can relate.

  28. my hubby for sure – i am sure he will laugh as much as me lol 🙂

  29. Not hubby it might give him some ideas 😉 Be a good giggle session with my sister I think 🙂

  30. Tamara Lamb Reply

    Jason Segal is a very funny guy! Haven’t seen him in this one and I bet it won’t disappoint in the giggles!

  31. A girly night with friends and my sister, great laugh with plenty of wine and food.

  32. My partner – we both love fun, risque movies – oops put I commented as Mick G

  33. Amanda Babycakequeen Gorham Reply

    I would watch this with my best friend as a 2015 treat! We have had some hard times in 2014- bring on 2015 I say! xx

  34. michelle brown Reply

    I would watch this with my husband, hopefully will put any ideas of our own tape to rest haha

  35. kristysweeney Reply

    I would watch this with my husband I think it will be a great laugh.

  36. Sarah Phillips Reply

    A bunch of girlfriends who are also married with kids, we can laugh about how this movie relates to all our lives!

  37. Tania Foster Reply

    With my fiancee as he will forgive my dorky laughter at all the inappropriate moments.

  38. My husband – We always enjoy a comedy. And we may get some tips for avoiding the same situation!

  39. Andieharrie Reply

    My bestie Julie we like to giggle
    At sex tape jiggle
    Good friends are good to find
    Funny times, movies and wine don’t mind

  40. Tracy Davis Reply

    My husband, he’s just like me and loves a good comedy, we could laugh together 🙂

  41. My wife.. We could do with some tips on what to do & what not to do..

  42. Tracy Andreatta Reply

    My husband , have been wanting to see this movie for a while now . Looks like a few laughs , I love the chemistry these two have .

  43. Melissa Williams Reply

    My husband – we have the same weird sense of humour! I think we would both enjoy this.

  44. sars_angelchik Reply

    I’d love to watch it with my hubby because when I watched it the first time he was hard at work putting up our daughter’s trampoline for Christmas, so he missed out and I know he would love it!

  45. We all need some romance and laughs in our lives, and this movie sounds as tho it has both.

  46. Angela McCully Reply

    I’d love to watch this with hubby. Have a date night & a laugh

  47. Debbie Moody Reply

    I’ll like to watch this DVD with my darling daughter Jessica after she has her baby and we are relaxing together

  48. I would love to watch this with my recently “ex” partner Tony, we could use a good laugh.

  49. Lauren Ciantar Reply

    My wonderful husband as we are well overdue for a date night

  50. Andreea Nicolescu Reply

    My friends for a great night full of chick flick movies and laughs

  51. staceyshailer Reply

    With my husband, with 3 kids under 3.5 years we could definitely do with the laugh!

  52. This would be the perfect movie for when the girls come over. A few cocktails, a manicure and a whole lot of laughs with Cameron and Jason.

  53. My husband. Then we will agree we will never make a sex tape 🙂

  54. Trish Leonard Reply

    Sex Tape would be hilarious to watch with my hubby, just as long as he doesn’t get any ideas 😉

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