
Meet the Latest Woolworths Discovery Garden Range Creating a Huge Buzz


Lavender, poppies and sage – oh my! The new Woolworths Discovery Garden Range is officially out and our gardens are in for a colourful, aromatic, and delicious treat.

If you haven’t buzzed into Woolworths recently, we reckon now’s the time to make a beeline and pick up a few of these pots yourself. Plus, this series is specifically aimed at bolstering pollination which means happier bees and a happier planet.

Lily Woolworths Discovery Garden
One happy little bee! Source: Supplied

Garden gloves at the ready

Like their previous Garden Discovery promotion, you will receive one pot for every $30 you spend in-store or online. Spend $300 and that’s 10 kits. Savvy shoppers can double their seedling haul too by purchasing products from Dove, Bonds, Nescafe, Energizer, Vegemite, Wonder White, Capilano, D’Orsogna, Fairy, Curash, Glen 20 and Colgate.

The seedling kits are all FSC certified and 100% recyclable and each one includes seeds, a compostable pot, a biodegradable seed mat and a non-imported coco pellet soil pod.

All you need to supply? A bit of sunlight, water and space for your garden to grow.

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So much garden fun to discover. Source: Supplied

mum centralHOT TIP: Each seedling kit has instructions on how to plant the seedling but you can also check the Woolworths website for specific planting instructions including when to expect the seeds to sprout, where to plant them and the best time of year to plant.

Woolworths Discovery Garden
24 to collect plus grab a collector’s tray for $4. Source: Supplied

There are 24 seedlings to collect featuring flowers, herbs, and veggies, all perfect for our littlest gardeners and our bee population too! That’s right – this year’s collection is designed to support pollination with 21 new bee-attracting seedlings kits.

Hey ho, let’s grow

Any parent who is collecting, planting and watching these little seedlings grow knows how exciting this process can be, especially to our kids.

These itty bitty seedlings:

  • Teaches our kiddies about sustainability 
  • Showcases the stages of growing 
  • Provides us with fresh flowers for the table and herbs and veg for our meals
  • Gives our kids a great excuse to get outside and get dirty
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Source: Supplied

I did this with my toddler last year and she absolutely adored it- the planting, the watering, the checking to see if the plants were growing. She even loved adding the veggies to our meals. Still refused to eat said veggies, but, hey, it’s a start!

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Messy play at its best. Source: Supplied

She is stoked to see the Woolworths Discovery Garden kits are back in the house, ready for round two. She was even more excited to get her favourite bee costume out of the cupboard and dress up for the occasion!!

But this time around, the Woolworths Discovery Garden range extends far beyond our own benefit – they’re designed for our itty bitty bee buddies too!

Woolworths Discovery Garden
Fun for them, great for the bees! Source: Supplied

The bee factor

We’re probably all aware that bees are pretty important. Most of us with kids have sat through The Bee Movie, after all. Probably more than once. If not, highly recommend it – it’s on Netflix.

Anyhoo, bees do a lot. They pollinate one-third of the food we eat, they support the growth of trees, flowers and other plants and they are responsible for keeping basically our entire eco-system running.

Without bees, we wouldn’t bee here. No jokes. Except that “bee here” line.

mum centralDID YOU KNOW: 65% of Australia’s agricultural produce is directly impacted by the work our little bee helpers do via pollination.

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Source: Supplied

Seeds for the bees

2020 has been a tough year for the bees too with bushfires, droughts and even COVID so any help we can give our bees, the better.

With the new Woolworths Discovery Garden range, we can start giving our bees extra support from our own backyards.

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There are 24 seedlings to collect. Source: Supplied

Woolworths Discovery Range features 21 new seedlings kits that help bolster pollination including:

  • Herbs: Chives, Cornflower, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Red Basil, Sage and Thyme
  • Flowers: Aster, Lavender, Phacelia, Poppy, Slyvia, Swan River Daisy and Zinnea
  • Veggies: Bunching Onion, Cabbage, Carrot, Cherry Tomato, Lettuce, Silverbeet and Spinach

Now that’s something to bee excited about!

Woolworths Discovery Garden
You won’t bee-lieve what’s inside! Source: Supplied

Helpful hints from our garden expert 

While the Woolworths Discovery Garden Kits come with everything you need, plus detailed instructions, have a read of our top tips from our expert in-house gardener.

Q: Should you stagger or plant all at once?
This depends on where you are potting them. If you have a larger garden and plenty of pots to plant them in, do it all at once. If not, stagger the seeds so you can harvest them over longer periods of time.

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Source: Supplied

Q: How much water?
Herbs and veggies require daily watering to keep them happy and healthy, especially when they’re just starting out. Just make it a splash of water in the early days of seed sprouting, working up to a heavier watering as your plants grow.

Woolworths Discovery Garden
Just add water. Source: Supplied

Q: Time to plant?
Once your seeds have sprouted their second set of leaves, move the seedlings into a pot or garden bed to ensure they grow and flourish.

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Source: Supplied

Start your Woolworths Discovery Garden today

You better bee-lieve that these little seedlings will be a big hit in your home! But they won’t be around forever so you better bee quick!

There is a whole range of cute Discovery Garden accessories too including the collector’s tray ($4) and gardening gloves, apron and tools.

Visit your local Woolworths store or shop online to get your seedling kits. Ready, set, grow!

shop now

This is a sponsored post for Woolworths

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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