If your kids love choosing a piece of fruit from the Woolworths basket to munch on while you shop the aisles, they’re not alone. Can you guess how many pieces of fruit Woolworths has given away since the Free Fruit For Kids program launched five years ago?
Happy anniversary!
Yep – it’s the 5th birthday of the Woolworths Free Fruit For Kids program … five years ago they started stocking those bountiful baskets of free fruit in Woolies stores across the country. They’ve become the perfect shopping snack for kids – and best of all, totally free.
Wait, there’s FREE fruit?
There sure is! Every Woolworths store has a Free Fruit for Kids display. You’ll find a basket or two of fruit which is popular with the kids. Beautiful bananas, apples, pears and mandarins are all up for grabs depending on the season. Every child is welcome to take a piece of fruit to enjoy, TOTALLY FREE. Woolies really are the fresh food people!

Did you know?
Woolworths has given away a staggering 100 MILLION PIECES of fruit since the program launched five years ago. That’s a WHOLE lot of delicious fruit being munched by kids!
Woolworths estimates more than 14 THOUSAND TONNES of free fruit has been eaten by kids since the program started. They estimate that to be around the same as filling more than six Olympic sized swimming pools with pieces of fruit. I think we can all agree, that’s an epic fruit bowl.
How much fruit should kids be eating?
The recommended daily intake of fruit for 4 to 8-year-old children is one and a half pieces of fruit. For older kids aged 9 to 14-year-olds, the recommended daily intake is slightly more at two pieces. That’s an easy goal, right?
Unfortunately, not all kids are meeting the daily requirements. Woolworths report that 41% of 4 to 8-year-old kids aren’t getting enough of their daily recommended intake. Fussy kids can be hard to please, so here are six fun ways to get your kids munching on fruit:
- Add fruit to yoghurt bowls as a delicious, colourful topper
- Spread peanut butter on fresh apple slices for a tasty snack
- Thread pieces of fruit on to skewers for delicious fruit kebabs
- Peel or slice fruit to make it easier for children to eat if they’re resistant
- Model the behaviour – sit down with your child and both eat a piece of fruit for morning tea
- Make stopping by the Woolworths Free Fruit for Kids basket the first thing you do when doing the shopping!
Thank you, Woolworths!
From the farmers who grow our beautiful fruit to Woolworths who provide the Free Fruit for Kids, we want to say a BIG thank you to you all from the bottom of our hearts (and fruit-loving bellies) for such an amazing program. After all, it undeniably encourages children to eat fresh produce and healthy eating (and stops the ‘I’m hungry mum’ while you’re at the checkout. Well, maybe not entirely, but it sure helps!
So Bravo everyone, keep up the good work and here’s cheers to the next 100 million pieces of fruit!