
15 Reasons Toddlers Wake At Night – How Many Can You Check Off?


Having a hard time convincing your toddler to not only go sleep, but STAY ASLEEP the entire night? Trust us, you are not alone!

There is an entire army of toddler mums out there, wandering the hallways at night. Yes, we’re making the trek back and forth from our little one’s room to our own beds. And we’re praying that one of these days, our toddlers will yell out “DADDY” instead of “MUM”.

But like that is EVER going to happen!

Rather than dwell on the lack of sleep we’re getting and our toddlers’ persistence in keeping us awake, let’s uncover some of the reasons why toddlers wake at night. Perhaps, with a few adjustments to the nighttime routine, we can eliminate some of the wakings (and the number of times we do the barefoot trek).

“Mummy, I need you…”

toddlers and sleep

1. Because “I thirsty” 

Clearly the massive bottle of milk your tot just chugged wasn’t enough. Place a sippy cup of water by the bed and you’re sorted. Lights out. Back to bed. Goodnight.

2. Because “I wet”

Perhaps it has something to do with the request above?

For the quickest nighttime change, your best bet is a sleepsuit which offers easy access to the nappy area (without having to remove their pyjamas entirely).

3. Because “I want one more story” 

Sorry sweetheart, all the books have gone to sleep.

Try it. It just might work.

ergopouch sleep suit

4. Because “Blankie gone” 

Oh, the blankie dilemma – the best way to get rid of the problem? Get rid of the blankie! One option that works for many toddlers is a sleeping bag or a sleep suit bag. These nifty jam jams are essentially a blanket and pyjamas wrapped up in one. They offer the comfort of a blanket but without the safety concerns or the chance of kicking the blanket off at night.

5. Because “I need tickles” 

Only mummy tickles will do.

6. Because “monsters” 

Grab an empty spray bottle, add a “Monster Spray” label and some water. Use it whenever those pesky monsters are keeping your tot awake. Add a bit of lavender oil to the bottle too… because monsters hate nice-smelling rooms. And lavender scent is known to soothe a fractious, overtired toddler.

7. Because “I not tired” 

Yes. You. Are.

8. Because “the sun is out” 

Two words: Blockout curtains.

reasons toddlers wake

9. Because “I too hot”

You may not be able to control the sun. But you can control the temperature of your little one. ergoPouch sleep suits and sleeping bags are especially perfect for this. They come with a range of TOG (warmth ratings) including their 1.0 TOG sleep suits, which are especially perfect for summer. You can eliminate the sweaty toddler syndrome and the need to rely on air con all night. Winning!

10, Because “I too cold” 

There’s a sleepsuit for this problem too. Simply go with a TOG rating of 2.0 or above, designed for those chilly nights and colder days.

11. Because “I need song”

Will the theme song to Peppa Pig work? Because that’s about all mummy can remember right now.

12. Because “Teddy hiding”

Check under the bed. This is where Teddies usually escape to.

13. Because “That’s the wrong Teddy”

Of course it is. Because only a mum with telepathic powers could know which of the 37 teddies currently in the stuffed animal corner is the right one.

14. Because “I heard a noise”

I can guarantee you it wasn’t the sound of mummy sleeping…

Toddler Bedtime Routine ergoPouch

15. Because “I want to play”

2am is clearly the best time to set up every single car in a line up down the hallway, make a city out of Duplo and pour glue all over the floor. Don’t forget the glitter. It’s just not a toddler after-party without glitter.

Eliminate night wakings with ergoPouch

One day our toddlers will sleep through the night. Not every night. But most nights. Some toddlers simply need a little more convincing (and the right sleep equipment) to help them fall asleep (and stay asleep in their own beds).

While you’re waiting for this magical day to come, take a closer look at the range of sleep suits and bags at ergoPouch. Made from natural breathable fibres, they are designed to keep your tot comfortable and cosy. Plus the sleep suits convert from a sleeping bag to a sleep suit with legs using four-way zippers, which is extra handy for active tots and easy breezy nappy changes. You can eliminate several excuses for night wakings, from temperature troubles to blanket dilemmas, with a simple swap to a sleep suit.

Sure, ergoPouch can’t get your tot a drink, find the “right” teddy or scare the monsters away, but, hey, at least it’s a start.

Visit ErgoPouch to find the sleep suit or sleep bag that’s just right for your toddler. Plus, here’s a special offer just for you, our Mum Centralists. Until 23 November, 2017, save 15 per cent storewide using the code mumcentral at checkout! Get shopping!

mum central

This is a sponsored article for ErgoPouch



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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