
Get a FREE 3 Week Trial of ABC Reading Eggs AND a Bonus Rewards Book!


Looking for the right time to jump on board the ABC Reading Eggs bandwagon? (trust me, it’s an awesome bandwagon to be on). 

Here’s that golden opportunity you’ve been waiting for! For a limited time, ABC Reading Eggs is offering a free trial to our Mum Central audience,  plus a bonus rewards book.

You’ve probably heard of ABC Reading Eggs before. It’s a multi-award winning online reading program for kids and one that comes with some seriously awesome success rates.

Honestly, it’s one of the best online reading programs we’ve tried and that my kids actually enjoy doing (and we’ve tried a fair few).

And, for a limited time, it’s free, free free!

ABC Reading Eggs free trial plus bonus rewards book

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What makes ABC Reading Eggs so special?

There are heaps of different learn-to-read programs out there. In an effort to convince my son that reading is cool and to save money, I’ve downloaded several freebies. Most were met with disdain and avoidance. But not ABC Reading Eggs. 

Loved by little ones (even little ones who don’t like reading) 

There’s something about ABC Reading Eggs. It might be the interactive games, the competitions with classmates, the 2500+ different books, the golden eggs or the fun rewards.

Whatever the case, kids can’t get enough of it! Even my son, who, before ABC Reading Eggs would rather watch paint dry than pull out a book, enjoys the program.

Since 2008, 10 million kids worldwide have used the program and the rave reviews keep coming and coming! Even Natalie Bassingthwaite and Jules Sebastian love the ABC Reading Eggs program!mum central

Loved by parents too!

Why do I love it? Well, first, it’s designed in Australia by a team of primary educators with over 30 years’ experience. None of this strange American spelling … it’s all Aussie and fully supports the Australian curriculum. This makes the transition into those early school years easier and a lot more familiar for kids. In fact, many primary schools now use ABC Reading Eggs in class.

Second, it’s educational AND entertaining. It comes with cheeky animation, catchy tunes and goofy games.

Which brings me to reason #3. My kids can do it without calling out, “Mum, I need help” every 15 seconds. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping them and watching them do the lessons. But I also love being able to make dinner while they’re learning.

But, can it really teach my child to read?

It can. It really can. Even kids, like mine, who did not have the confidence or the desire to learn, can benefit from an ABC Reading Eggs free trial.

On average, ABC Reading Eggs customers rate the program 4.5 out of 5 stars with 91% of parents noticing an improvement in their child’s reading ability.mum central

Every child learns at a different pace and ABC Reading Eggs caters for that too. Children can do a placement test at the start of the program, which matches them to the perfect starting level. There are also one-on-one lessons, assessment and quiz tests in the program which help parents and children see how far they’ve come in their reading. You can also track your kid’s progress through progress reports.

What about older kids?

Many parents will start ABC Reading Eggs when their child is just wee and before starting school. Their First Steps and Learning to Read programs offer excellent introductions to the letters, their sounds and how they combine to make words.

abc reading eggs free trial programs

But their programs for older kids are just as awesome and worth a look too. The ABC Reading Eggspress program, designed for kids aged 7-13 helps develop key literacy skills to help with all subjects in school, After all, if you’re child is struggling to read, then likely they may struggle to understand what is being asked of them in other subjects too

Ready, Set, Read! ABC Reading Eggs FREE trial

Of course, there’s only one way to find out if your child will love ABC Reading Eggs – try it out and see.

Here’s your perfect chance to do so, for three weeks. And for free. Plus, your little one receives a bonus Rewards book just for signing up to the free trial.

What happens after the trial is entirely up to you. If your child is learning and loving it, you can keep going with the program. If not, you can complete your three week free trial and keep the rewards booklet.

Whether your child is just learning the letters, is eager to read more or needs help to improve their reading, this limited time ABC Reading Eggs free trial can help on their literacy journey.

Start Free Trial

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Start your free trial today! We hope your little ones love it as much as my two do.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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