
This Adorable Angry Baby Sums Up 2021 Perfectly


If 2021 had a face, this would be it. This sweet angry baby Winter and she is the QUEEN of facial expressions.

Her mum has an entire Insta account dedicated to the Moods of Winter, who clearly wasn’t too pleased about having to exit the womb.

angry baby - moods of winter
Girl, we feel ya! #Mood. Source: Instagram

Mother’s intuition

Winter’s birth story is quite exceptional. At 41 weeks, her mum, Hollie was ready for her daughter to arrive; however, her other two children arrived after her due date so she expected to go over again.

What she didn’t expect was to be told at her 41-week appointment that she had something called oligohydramnios. 

This is a condition where the amniotic fluid doesn’t correlate to the baby’s gestational age. In Hollie’s case, there was very little amniotic fluid. Babies need amniotic fluid to survive so this was a big cause for concern. They booked Hollie in for an induction on a Monday morning.

However, on Sunday Hollie woke up and felt something wasn’t quite right.

The baby was moving but the movements felt different, like they were slower. To this day I can’t explain it. I put it down to mother’s intuition. I just knew I had to go to the hospital urgently,” she tells Love What Matters.

As soon as Hollie arrived at the hospital and was hooked up to the monitors, she knew something was terribly wrong.

The baby’s heart rate was dropping and then accelerating, and it was decided that a c-section was the only safe way to get her out and it had to be done NOW. An OB came in to talk to me about the possibility of my baby being brain dead due to her heart rate.”

Hollie gave birth to her daughter, Winter Josephine via emergency c-section. She didn’t even have a chance to tell her older children she was having a baby or talk to her husband about what this could mean for their daughter.

Put me back in

Thankfully Josephine arrived healthy but without a single drop of amniotic fluid which is something the OB had never seen before. Sadly, most babies that are born without any amniotic fluid pass at birth.

Hollie was over the moon to have her daughter in her arms. A happy and healthy baby girl.

Well… maybe not happy.

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What is this shizz? Source: Instagram

As perfect as she was, I couldn’t help but laugh because she looked so angry. If I had to guess what she was thinking at that very point in time, it would have been, ‘I was comfortable in there. Put me back!’

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Whatcha looking at, mum? Source: Instagram

Everyone that saw her said the exact same thing. ‘She looks so mad!’ When my husband and sons came in to meet her, she just stared at them with tensed eyebrows that showed she was incredibly inconvenienced by us.” 

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Scowl for days. Source: Instagram

Days turned to months and little Winter continued to make her scowly face. In fact, it’s something she still hasn’t grown out of yet and she’s gone from angry baby to angry toddler.

But she has had to put up with this pandemic and Covid BS ever since she was born so, we totes get it. We’re over it too, darl.

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Source: Instagram

Every time I look at her little angry face, I think about how close I was to not having her and I am just so thankful she’s healthy and strong. She continues to make the angriest faces and they are absolutely hilarious. I have never met a baby with more personality.”

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Toddler mood right here. Source: Instagram

Her facial expressions bring us so much joy and laughter. She’s so expressive and she is truly a miracle. She wanted to be here, and I am so thankful that I listened to my instincts and went to the hospital because I don’t think she would have lasted another day and neither did the doctors.

A baby born with no amniotic fluid can be an indicator of all kinds of health issues including kidney failure, placenta failure, birth defects and even stillbirth. It’s amazing she survived, but even more amazing that she was perfectly healthy.”

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There’s that beautiful smile! Source: Instagram

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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