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This Adorable Newborn Already Has More Instagram Followers Than You… and Here’s Why


He can’t even roll over yet, but he’s already attracting a frenzy of followers on Instagram.

Does he possess some sort of baby superpower? Is he starring in a new reality show? Perhaps he’s the secret love child of a Kardashian?

No, he’s just a ridiculously cute. And people can’t get enough!

His name is Calihan Gee and he’s the latest addition to The Bucket List Family, a family-of-(now)-five who spend their life travelling around the world and sharing their adventures on social media.

Amazingly enough, this little man already has more followers than many celebrities, simply for being born. At just one week old, he has attracted close to 150,000 followers. Not bad for a baby.

Add another baby to The Bucket List!

Like many of the other celebrity babies flooding our Insta-feeds, Calihan can thank his Insta-famous family for the social media attention. Although the Gee family aren’t your typical celebrities, they have gained world-wide attention for their stunning photos and fun-filled adventures.

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You see, in 2014, Garrett Gee, 30, sold his barcode scanner app to Snapchat for a cool $54 million. He and his gorgeous wife, Jessica, 32, decided to quit their jobs, sell all their belongings, pack up their two equally beautiful children, Dorothy and Manilla, and travel the world.

bucket list

They are basically “living the dream”.mum central

Calihan joins the ‘travelling circus’

When the loved-up couple announced they were expecting another Gee, it was only a matter of time before Calihan got his own Insta account (@caligee).

The proud parents announced their son’s arrival via his own Instagram page rather than their @thebucketlistfamily account, giving their impressive one million followers a pretty darned good reason to follow their son’s page and tune in for baby news updates.

In only a few short days, baby Calihan’s debut video (above) has received more than one million views. Clearly he’s already a natural in front of the camera!

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The beautiful family have decided to call Utah home for the time being as they settle Calihan into their amazing lifestyle. And what a lifestyle it is!

Born to travel

So far, the family have been to 50 different countries in three short years. They share their stories via their YouTube channel, social media pages and website.

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From chilling out with penguins at the beach in Cape Town to exploring waterfalls in Iceland, this family is seeing and doing it all!

Bucket List family

In 2018 alone, the family hope to travel to 23 different countries. But, for now, the family are content on staying put and enjoying those blissful newborn snuggles. For now at least…

You can follow The Bucket List Family on Instagram.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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