
Thank the Shopping Gods! Amazon Arrives in Australia



For weeks we’ve been teased with rumours that Amazon Australia is officially launching… and before Christmas. Well, mums, the wait is officially over. 

Get your credit cards ready. Amazon Australia is officially here.

Amazon is one of the world’s leading go-to shopping meccas for pretty much anything and everything. It connects buyers and sellers in a similar platform to eBay, with exceptionally cheap prices and speedy delivery.

Because most of the products are housed on the American or UK sites, they are too expensive to ship to us over in Australia.

Well, not anymore.

The Amazon Experience

Amazon in Australia

Starting tomorrow (experts predict), Amazon Australia will officially launch their new Marketplace site. What does this mean? It means we will have access to unique and cheap finds without the whole “there’s an ocean between us” issue. Hooray!

According to a leaked email, the Amazon Marketplace “internal testing phase” kicks off today, just in time for the soft launch tomorrow. It is unconfirmed how many sellers will take part in the internal testing. But, if all goes to plan, the website should be ready for the public tomorrow!

Can we get a collective whoop whoop?

What’s on offer?

Queensland University of Technology retail expert Dr Gary Mortimer predicts that the site will include electronics, clothing and sporting goods, which will all be available immediately.

“It’s hard to tell [what will be sold] but I suspect what they will have on offer will be very similar to eBay today with categories and tabs like sporting goods, automotive, definitely clothing for ladies, children and men, electronics, sporting goods, footwear and accessories, homewares and furniture possibly, dry goods and bespoke ingredients and foods,” he says.

Earlier this year, Amazon officially confirmed it was setting up shop down under with its first fulfilment centre in Melbourne’s Dandenong South.

To prepare for the Amazonapocalypse, head over to Amazon Australia (right now the site only sells e-books but that should change very very soon). You will need to create an account before you can begin your shopping experience.

Good luck. And happy shopping! May the bargains be with you.



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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