11 days ago, Ashley Cain and Safiyya Vorajee kissed their daughter, Azaylia for the last time. She was just eight months old and, an absolute fighter from day one.
At eight weeks old Azaylia was diagnosed with AML leukemia and has been fighting strong ever since.
On 24 April 2021, with her mum and dad by her side, she lost that battle.

‘Glows with hope and happiness’
Her father, Ashely Cain, is a former footballer and reality TV star in the UK. However, for the past eight months, his whole focus has been on Azaylia.
She is beautiful, she is strong, she is courageous and she glows with hope and happiness. Our hearts are intertwined and with one beat of her heart, our hearts beat along together,” the couple shared on Azaylia’s GoFundMe account.

Cain and Safiyya have been desperately looking for a donor and raising funds to send Azaylia to Singapore for CAR-T therapy plus a haplo transplant – the only option to save their daughter. While they have raised the fund’s thanks to thousands of donations, they didn’t make it to Singapore.
Cancer got her first.
‘My heart is shattered’
Cain shared a heartbreaking update on his Instagram page last week, paying tribute to his daughter who “saved his life”.

My heart is shattered
You gave my life purpose, my face a smile, filled my heart with love and my soul with pride.
I can’t put into words my sadness and pain, there aren’t words to describe it. I love you with every ounce of my body and I miss you so much already.
You made me a better man. You made me the person I’ve always wanted to be. You’ve taught me more in your 8 months than I’ve learned my whole life.
I don’t know why you’ve been taken away from me and my heart aches in your absence.
But I promise you that your name with live on. I will carry your name across every ocean, along every road, to the top of every mountain and across the whole globe. Your name will live, your legacy will be remembered and I will seek peace in living as your vessel to continue inspiring, giving strength, spreading joy and saving lives in your name, with your spirit, as your father until we meet again.

You saved my life, you really did. With my second chance, I make a promise to you that I will make yours live on in our hearts, our thoughts and our prayers.
I am blessed, I am honoured and I am privileged to be your father. I would go through all of the pain again and again. Because what you gave me in those 8 months will live with me for eternity.
Azaylia Diamond Cain 🦁
Rest In Peace Princess
10.08.20 – 24.04.21 👼🏼”
‘Struggling every day’
Azaylia’s mum posted a similar message on her Instagram stories, admitting that her “days feel so empty, my life feels so lost.”

Struggling mentally with losing my baby. My days feel so empty My life feels so lost My body feels so alone.
Trying to get myself out of bed in the morning has never felt so hard. The pain that hits me when my eyes open is unbearable, I just want this all to have been a dream. I miss you, Azaylia.
You are so incredible Azaylia, you have changed my life. Honestly I feel so proud of you, I am lost without you but I [know you’re] with me close all the time.”

We can not even imagine the heartbreak they have endured. Our thoughts go out to Ashley and Safiyya and every other parent who has lost a child.