
Belinda Jennings

General Health

19 year-old backpacker Bianca Jones, embarked on an exciting Southeast Asian adventure with her best friend, Holly Bowles. Their journey led them to Laos, known for its lively backpacker scene. One fateful evening, they drank cocktails laced with methanol, and after several days in intensive care, Bianca passed away from methanol poisoning. Her friend Holly is still on life support. RIP Bianca


An elite Queensland College has expelled whistleblower students—not for committing any offence, bullying, and certainly not for breaking any school rules. Their “crime”? Speaking out against a vile “unrapeable” list created by their classmates, which targeted female students with degrading, humiliating comments. And the kicker? Their punishment is IDENTICAL to the person who wrote the list! SERIOUSLY!