A heartbroken couple has spoken out about the common strangulation hazards in our homes after their toddler became tangled in a backpack strap and died
‘The explanation from the centre is this thing just happened accidentally, but we just can’t accept this explanation. There [were] more than 20 scratches on Noah’s face – how can this happen accidentally?” the distraught mother shared.
The common natural teething remedy has left an infant with terrible sores, known as margarita burns around her mouth
A mum has shared some excellent advice for every parent after witnessing her daughter, Dusty fall into a backyard firepit and springing into action quickly. What a little trooper Dusty is!
Lily was born with a large port-stain birthmark on her face which was one of the signs of a very rare disease that this brave little girl is now battling – and smashing goals along the way! Go Lily!
Should you be concerned if your child swallows gum? Here’s the truth about swallowing gum and just how dangerous it can be.
“Mahalia was my first child, so I thought all babies cried and didn’t sleep. Little did I know that a baby was supposed to sleep more than three hours in a 24-hour span, not vomit after every feed and not scream 20 hours a day.”
“When I realised what he was trying to get my attention for, I ran to the bathroom and saw Ashley face down in the water.”
Two heartbroken have shared the details leading up to their daughter’s death from a strep A infection in the hopes that it will help save other children.
Renee Staska has three beautiful children – Hudson, eight, Holly, six and, Austin, four. All three of them have childhood dementia and are not expected to see their 20th birthday.
“See this red line tracking up this little one’s foot? It is a red flag.”
“This is not an easy image to look at, I know. But it is an important reminder about the reality of choking in little ones.”