Spotify, Mecca, Adidas, Nike… here are 19 jobs for teenagers and how to encourage them to look for their first job!
“All of her friends were vaping. I hated it because she was on it all the time. I believe she became more addicted to vaping than she was ever addicted to cigarettes.”
There’s a new feature in Snapchat called Family Center & it’s a game changer for parents of teens. Defintely worth a look for anyone using Snapchat!
Talk about an unexpected water birth! Imagine being one of the people swimming at the pool when this happened!
An American mum of six posted a TikTok asking her 18-year-old daughter to sign a…
A Queensland mum has been sentenced after taking a punishment against her daughter way too far, leaving her on the side of the road semi-naked.
He just won’t listen. He doesn’t care. He’s angry all the time. Typical tween/teen behaviour? Or could it be something more?
“All we have ever asked for is time. What I know is that a boy who can squeeze my hand is not brain dead. I defy any mother not to do the same if they were in my situation.”
“When the police showed up at the hospital, we were informed that Ashley had left town with the teens from the slumber party.
This would be the beginning of a tragic night full of mistakes made by both adults and minors.”
This is a game-changer for parents of teens!
A ‘horrible’ award has caused a mother to speak out but many people are quick to explain that it may not be as bad as it sounds. What do you think?
Are your teens full of raging hormones, oiliness and smelly everything? Puberty can really stink! Here’s 10 fresh smelling teen hygiene tips that aren’t on the nose!