Not a brewmaster? No problem! Now you can make your own cider (that’s the alcoholic kind) at home without any real effort.
So, you’re way, way, way too tired at the end of the day to go out for a drink (plus, that would involve finding a sitter for the kids). You’re about to pour yourself the same old glass of vino that you have every day when you think to yourself, “Gee, I wish I had something different.” Well, now you can. And, without leaving your house.
No, the answer isn’t some sort of new app to door alcohol delivery service (even though you totally wouldn’t pass that up). It’s Alchema – a home cider system. Again, this isn’t the fruit juice that you hand over to your toddler in a sippy cup. We’re talking about the alcohol-containing stuff.
Alchema is an outrageously awesome idea. Seriously. You download the app on your phone and choose a recipe from hundreds of options. Or, if you’re creative and daring at the same time, you can come up with your own. Even if you choose one of the already-created recipes, you still get the option to customize it with the sweetness and alcohol content that you want.
After picking your recipe du jour, you wait. Okay, this step is just for sanitization’s sake. Alchema comes with a medial-grade UV-C LED light that sanitizes the container (prior to fermentation). All that you need to do next is add the ingredients. Then, like magic, you have cider. Um, well maybe not like magic. Most batches take between one and two weeks to ferment. So, there’s no instant cider making here.
Oh, you say you’re not a kitchen star. Even a cheese sandwich is a stretch for you to “cook.” Not a problem here. Really, the app monitors what you’re doing (as you add the ingredients) and lets you know if you’re not on track.

What’s the one drawback to this ultra-amazing cider maker? It’s not yet available worldwide. Sorry all of you mums in Australia, it’s only currently for sale in the U.S., Canada and Taiwan. But, the makers of Alchema seem to be working hard to bring their product to other countries across the globe. So, get ready for some booze-fueled nights courtesy of your very own kitchen. Yeah, we know – your mummy duties kind of make it a challenge to have those boozy nights again. So, maybe just have a glass (or two) after baths and bedtime. Bottoms up!